Big Life

Chapter 29

Chapter 29 – Is he asking for a battle

[The Runner Ups]

The Lonely Man of Seoul – Ahn Sungwoo

Child of the 90s – Ha Jaegun

The Day of Summer – Sin Jungok

‘Ha… Jaeee… . Gunn… . ?!’

Myunghoon couldn’t shut his mouth at one of the runner up’s name . Ha Jaegun wasn’t a very common name . At least in his life, it wasn’t .

But Myunghoon knew the name of ‘Child of the 90s’

It was the short story that Jaegun was writing since college .

From Myunghoon remembered, Jaegun couldn’t finish the book in college . So he was more baffled . A story like this that should have been buried is seen at a Digital Literary Award like this . And in the same place as a person like me .

‘This guy…!’

Myunghoon remembered the face that Jaegun made in the writer’s meeting and shivered .

It was a different JAegun then he remembered . He sent multiple insults that him, but he didn’t respond . Even more, Jaegun countered and got Myunghoon himself got shamed because of a word mistake .

The memory didn’t stop there .

He could remember every word that he said to Jaegun that day .

As a writer, I am recently writing a work that has quality to not shame the name of a writer . Just, at this time there is a Literary Contest . I saw the other awards so I feel like I’m going to win it pretty simply . Probably have one more one on my career .

‘Dang it… . ! I said something stupid .

Just thinking about him made him feel embarra.s.sed . The embarra.s.sment completely pressed on his entire body .

Myunghoon covered his head with his two hand . And then he repeated slammed his forehead against the desk . In a same literary contest, especially the same award, he had no idea at all .

Myunghoon checked the award list many times .

The winner was was called ‘A dumb woman; but he didn’t even care about that . His entire attention was on Jaegun who got the same runner up award as him .

‘It doesn’t matter! His is a one that he written in 3 months . Ha Jaegun, that guy, written that for 7 years . 3 months and 7 years can’t be compared . I’m better . I write so much better!!!’

Myunghoon kept thinking that to himself .

He was already thinking what to say in his award speech .

‘I need to appeal that I’ve written this in 3 months . If I had more time, I could have won it, but I was busy . I’m gonna mix my regret with some humor and end it cooly . ’’

Myunghoon rolled his head while keep knocking his fingers on the desk . He was trying to show himself off .

‘Dang it, Jaegun has to say his speech before mine . Then I have time to counter his speech . I can add some more stuff in . I’m wishing he says it took him 7 years . At least it might show mine off better .

Myunghoon opened word furiously .

His ten enraged fingers typed out words and sentences at a fast pace .

His speech filled with justifications of himself . It was a comfort from getting the same award as someone like Ha Jaegun . .


At a moment, Myunghoon stopped and put his head up .

Jaegun probably knew the results by now . It was fate that they were going to see each other at the ceremony .

‘Let me greet him first . ’

It was a fate that he had to go through

It felt better to tell him that Ahn Sungwoo who made ‘The Lonely Man of Seoul’ was Myunghoon .

It was a thought because at least he wouldn’t hear insults about how he was too afraid that he would lose so he used a pen name .

-Jaegun, I heard you won the runner up prize at the Digital Award Contest . Good job .

He sent a message . Myunghoon was waiting nervously biting his finger . He chose message because he thought his voice would be shaking .

Jaegun’s reply came faster than he expected .

-How did you know? Thanks .

-But you have to congratulate me too . You know ‘The Lonely Man of Seoul’ in the runner up? That’s written by me . Heh . In 3 months .

-Ah, that Ahn Sungwoo was yours . The contest that you were entering, it was this . Yeah, good job to you, too .

-I was just saying, guy . It’s only getting a runner up for a measly small award so no need for a good job . I’m sort of shocked that I won because it was just a writing that I just wrote down easily . I was randomly writing for about 3 months and I threw it in . And I won apparently

-Yeah you do write well .

Jaegun’s praise felt more like banter to Myunghoon

With a crumbled face, Myunghoon furiously pounded the touchscreen .

-At least your work paid off . Man, I still remember the ‘Child of the 90s’ Wasn’t that a project that you were holding for 7 years? Hehehehe at least you finally found the light, isn’t that good? Now you finally have at least one line in your career . Hehehe

-Yeah I’m feeling good

Nothing else came after that short message .

Myunghoon’s anger didn’t fall easily . It felt to him that Jaegun was laughing at him right now . Thinking about how to end the conversation, Myunghoon finally sent the last message .

-I’ll see you at the award . Wear something clean . Don’t live showing off that you’re a writer in a room . Today’s world is a world where even writer’s wear something nice .

-OK, thanks, good work to ou .

Myunghoon breathed and glared at nothing . He was confirming his superiority in his disarrayed mind .

I’m better at everything

I already have awards before .

He wrote that for 7 years but I wrote this for 3 months . It’s not the same value of award .

‘Lee Suhee…!’

Suhee’s face came to mind

It was true that feat was great enough that he need to get congratulations from others .

Removing the anger about Ha Jaegun, everything else was basically innocent happiness .

Myunghoon instantly picked the name that he wanted to get praise from . Being nervous, a bell started to ring .

“What’s up? Are you happy about that money?”

Jaegun asked with a laugh . In front of him, Jaeyn was staring blankly like there was a ghost inside her .

“Say something . What’s with that reaction?”

It was the house at Suwon .

Jaegun ran to the subway to the house as soon as he got the results to the award . He wanted to send these results to the family as fast as he could .

“Now the brother is getting award experience . This is accepted by the Ministry of Culture . It’s not the biggest or has the biggest honor, but it’s pretty well acknowledged . ”

Jaeyn covered her face . Her nose was turning red and her two eyes were pouring .

It didn’t matter about the size of the award . She was just sad . She needed to compliment her brother, but no words could come out of her mouth .

“Everything’s gonna get better . Totally better . This is the beginning . Say this is a marathon . I’m only at the 100 meter mark . ”


The door opened with the door lock sound .

His mom who went to get his dad came back .

“Ah, son! What are you doing here!”

His mom saw Jaehn ane went into the house happily . Her two eyes captured Jaein’s crying face .

“Jaegun, why are you crying? What happened?”

“Mom, Jaegun…”

“Jaegun? What about Jaegun? What happened? Say something . ”

“Jaegun… won a literary award .

Jaegun explained barely with her voice .

His mom opened her mouth . For a while, she was like that, like a lost person . Then she screamed and hugged Jaegun proudly .

“Ahh! My son! My amazing son! My writer song! I knew you were going to succeed! I knew it! Not because you’re my son but I knew you could do it!”

Mom while say9ing preise kissed her son’s cheeks repeatedly . EVen though he was all grown up, he was still cute and she still worried about putting him in the world . In the laughter, mom was crying as well .

The person who was dad just now organized his shoes and was going up at the living room . There was no smile on his face . With a glare that looked through the living room a few times, he said nothing and went straight to his room .

“Honey! Jaegun’s ceremony is on!”

Mom with a few tears shouted at the door .

There was no answer except for changing clothes .

“Honey! is Jaegun’s ceremony!”

“I have morning s.h.i.t”


“Go with Jaein and you . ”

“That man is seriously…!”

Mom bounced up and went into the room .

All that could be heard was mom’s scream from the room

Jaegun was bitterly laughing waiting for his dad’s silent voice . Jaein was holding her brother’s hand .

The ceremony was at a place at Hehuadong National Science & Technology Museum .

Myunghoon arrived there early with his car .

He didn’t tell his family . He didn’t tell his colleagues or other people . It bothered him that Jaegun got the same prize as him . He didn’t want any sliver of additional attention given to Jaegun .

It was already fall so the weather was pretty cold .

Just then across the place, a white care was coming in . Myunghoon looked in as it looked familiar, the car door opened and Suhee came out .

“Lee Suhee?!”

Myunghoon called out Suhee’s name without realizing it .

Why is Suhee who said she was busy with work and rejected his request coming all the way out here .

It didn’t take long for him to realize why . Even with the cold weather, Myunghoon’s face was heating up very fast