Chaos' Heir

Chapter 1004: Mission

The Royal Guards existed for one purpose, which Khan's strange technique had triggered. The seemingly mental attack didn't only affect the four evolved Thilku. It had also forced a

reaction from the Emperor, and the Royal Guards couldn't let it stand.

The Royal Guards had teleported after the Emperor's mouth twitched. Lord Blind Sword had appeared on Khan's right, placing the scabbard on his shoulder. One of his thumbs applied pressure on the blade's handle, readier than ever to unsheathe it.

Lord Mighty had appeared before Khan, towering above him with his ma.s.sive body. His bulging muscles filled Khan's vision, and his huge hand rested at the top of his head. The evolved Thilku didn't put strength into his fingers, but his grip already threatened to squash Khan's skull.

Lord Envoy had teleported behind Khan, placing two fingers at the center of his back. His stance was less threatening than Lord Mighty and Lord Blind Sword's, but Khan didn't let it deceive him. He could feel the evolved Thilku's existence reaching for the insides of his rib cage, ready to bend the s.p.a.ce around his heart.

Lastly, Lord Enforcer stood on Khan's left, facing him. He didn't a.s.sume any specific battle stance, but his lifeless, machine-like eyes radiated an intrusive influence. Khan felt weaker under it, and even his blood vessels struggled to remain clotted.

The very peak of the Empire's military had surrounded Khan, but he showed no fear. He had done nothing wrong and was done apologizing or feeling bad for what he was. Khan had the right to exist, and even the Emperor couldn't change that. At most, Khan would struggle to his last breath to oppose him.

Khan's aura reflected that resolve. He was weaker than the Royal Guards and outnumbered, but that only enraged his mana. A violent influence surrounded his body, fighting against the four auras oppressing him. Being weaker didn't matter when he was destruction incarnate. The Royal Guards couldn't help but feel surprised. They were four against one, each stronger than Khan, but their auras suffered anyway. Khan's existence seemed able to summon flaws hidden deep inside their power, threatening to create cracks in soldiers he shouldn't be able to touch.

Of course, Khan's element wasn't simple destruction. That evaluation came from the narrow- minded human ways he had left behind long ago.

The chaos element was deep but limited. It strived for absolute freedom and only knew one way of pursuing it. It could take many shapes, but its reaction to external shackles never changed. The Royal Guards wanted to suppress Khan, so his mana was ready to destroy everything without considering the possible consequences.

It was childish, really, like a kid throwing an endless tantrum until he got what he wanted, no matter how stupid and unreasonable that was. Except, the child had the power to destroy the world.

The unreasonable, overbearing, and indomitable will had no place in the universe's complicated political array, but that was what Khan wielded. His growth had culminated in his departure from the Global Army, so even the Emperor couldn't force him to be humble anymore.

The Royal Guards' surprise transformed into acknowledgment before becoming respect. They were encircling a potential enemy, but their species recognized strength, especially when wearing its colors. If the situation were any different, those evolved Thilku wouldn't mind sharing a banquet with Khan.

Khan didn't have it as easy as the Royal Guards. The [Blood Shield] quickly built pressure inside his body, and his mind screamed with unreasonable urges. He was one step away from letting himself loose but managed to use taunting words first.

"[If you plan to attack]," Khan announced, "[Be quick about it. I'm in no mood for pointless stand-offs]."

The Royal Guards' pressure intensified, but none of them acted. It was their job to protect the Emperor, but they couldn't be sure whether Khan had actually threatened his safety. Besides, the previous foreign fear had unsettled them. Clearly, Khan wielded information that could endanger the Empire as a whole.

"[What was that, Blue Shaman]?" The Emperor suddenly spoke, seemingly agreeing with

Khan's statement.

Khan couldn't see the Emperor since Lord Mighty's ma.s.sive body filled his vision, but his eyes still stared ahead, seemingly able to look at the throne. The topic required a long explanation, which the situation didn't allow, so he stuck to simpler words.

"[My enemy]," Khan responded. "[The enemy. The final adversary our universe will have to face]."

The Royal Guards looked confused. Their pressure didn't falter, but the Emperor's interest in the matter confirmed its validity. In hindsight, it made sense. They could see Khan's power now, so that previous fear couldn't have come from him. It had to have belonged to something mystical and deeper, something even a Shaman couldn't concoct out of thin air. "[Who is this enemy]?" The Emperor asked. His voice was as heavy and stern as always, but Khan could swear he felt a tinge of excitement inside it.

"[I don't know]," Khan admitted. "[The Nak planted this knowledge in me, and I've been looking for clues since then]."

Most people would struggle to believe Khan. His tale wasn't only ludicrously extreme. He also only had his word and the Nak's emotions to show for it. Any reasonable species would hesitate to trust his story, but the Thilku had more than one screw loose.

"[Let the Blue Shaman go]," The Emperor ordered, and the Royal Guards stepped back and aside, retracting their oppressive auras. They remained near Khan, but their stances weren't violent anymore.

Khan could finally retract the [Blood Shield], regaining his natural colors. His monstrous appearance disappeared, but his figure only grew more striking. His good-looking, almost graceful features conflicted with his violent aura, revealing a being that shouldn't exist in the world.

"[Is this enemy the reason behind your political maneuvers]?" The Emperor questioned, unaffected by Khan's change in appearance.

"[Yes]," Khan confirmed. "[This is my mission, something only I can accomplish. From what I know, it has nothing to do with power or might. The enemy seems to be the mana's nemesis, and its abilities are unknown. I only know I wield the key to defeat it]."

Khan had spoken the absolute truth, even choosing his words carefully. He didn't insult the Empire's power nor boast about his superiority. The Nak's mutations and his element had put him in that key position, and his only accomplishment was making good use of the time his Father had bought him.

"[You are no Lord, Blue Shaman]," The Emperor stated. "[You lead no grand species and have even abandoned the Global Army. Why would you follow this mission]?"

"[Because the universe is lucky enough to have people I love in it]," Khan declared. "[So, I will save it, even if I must burn it in the process]."