Sizzling noises disturbed the tense silence inside the meeting room. Exposed and torn wires inside the broken surfaces released occasional sparks that joined the flickering artificial illumination. Even the holograms became blurry, unable to stabilize under Khan's oppressive
Monica dispelled the initial shock and took Khan's hand. She had expected a similar reaction, but its intensity had surprised her. As much as she was aware of Khan's growth, that destruction had been too sudden and widespread. Still, even in that unforeseen circ.u.mstance, Monica didn't forget to show emotional support.
Knowledge often was a curse, and Monica suffered from its weight at that moment. She knew Khan better than anyone else, so she could read his thoughts without asking questions. Khan's reaction also conveyed his understanding, so wasting time on explanations was pointless.
Khan had recognized the s.p.a.ce station. The structure was one of the many checkpoints in the established trade routes. He wasn't sure whether the ship came from Baoway or Neuria, but that made little difference. In both cases, the crew belonged to him. Those human soldiers were his underlings.
The ship probably carried valuable goods, but the financial loss never crossed Khan's mind. He didn't care about things. He couldn't when his soldiers had died. Most leaders wouldn't take the matter emotionally, but Khan was different. Those underlings belonged to him, so, in his view, someone had dared to spill his blood.
To add insult to injury, the attack had happened inside the human domain. Rogue alien ships could have been the culprit, but Khan's interspecies relationships were good, great even, and that trade route was safe from pirates and criminals. The most likely offender was apparent, and the idea enraged him to no end.
Khan didn't divert his gaze nor retract his oppressive presence. He felt Monica's hand tightening on his fingers but ignored it. Khan had asked a question, and he wouldn't repeat himself.
"Someone released a video after the attack, My Prince," Prince Thomas revealed, switching to politer t.i.tles before the soldiers. "He sent it directly to the network, but we quickly caught it. However, ..."
"The video," Khan said, temporally ignoring the implications behind his Uncle's words.
Prince Thomas held back a gulp, eyeing the cracks on the walls, floor, and ceiling before focusing on the flickering holograms. He didn't know how to tell Khan to calm down to make the equipment work again, but everything eventually stabilized. Even the room's illumination started functioning correctly.
The soldiers in the room weren't dumb. As terrified as they were, one look from Prince Thomas made them get back to work. After a few commands on the interactive desk, the holograms changed, shaping into a screen with a middle-aged man at its center.
The holograms' blue light couldn't highlight different colors, but the screen still showed many details. The man's torso was visible, and his military uniform failed to hide the muscular body underneath. The soldier had a stern face, a square jaw, a military haircut, and broad shoulders, and five stars rested on both.
"This is Brigadier General Gregory Meadrey," The middle-aged man on the screen spoke. "What I'm about to show is cla.s.sified, but it's my job and moral duty to warn the good people of the Global Army."
The scene changed, showing zoomed-out recordings of a planet. The perspective was too distant to see the surface clearly, but some details became visible anyway. Soon, the scanners highlighted heavy military weaponry and what it believed to be multiple brigades.
"These recordings are about a planet inside the Thilku Empire's domain," The General explained as the screen switched back to him, "A planet bordering the Global Army's domain, a military planet."
Prince Thomas didn't show it, but his expression tried to become grim. He didn't know many details about the ploy coordinated with Raymond Cobsend, but connecting the dots was easy, even on his first video review. He had known where the General was going back then, too. "Our intel says that such a ma.s.sive military mobilization is enough for a preemptive strike to our defensive perimeter," The General continued. "It can be the vanguard in a full-scale invasion. Its sole existence is a threat to the Global Army and a breach of the interspecies treaties."
Brigadier General Meadrey's straightforward words reeked of genuine honesty, but only a political mind could have arranged them in that precise way. The middle-aged man described the situation in a few lines, highlighting the enemy threat while arousing panic. Only the finishing blow was left, but Khan knew it was coming.
"What's even more disturbing," Brigadier General Meadrey added. "Our intel says that Prince Khan Nognes visited the planet and kept it secret from the Global Army, earning the Thilku Empire's complete support in exchange."
Khan had to suppress the urge to blow the desk into pieces. He had never publicly accepted his family name. He was no Prince Nognes. Khan was simply Khan.
"This is a clear act of treason!" The General shouted. "As such, every resource, ship, or soldier that interacts with Prince Khan Nognes can be considered a threat to our safety, and I'll use the full extent of my authority to prevent them from touching our homes."
The video stopped after that final announcement. The General's figure disappeared, leaving behind an empty, holographic screen. The man had thrown a bomb into the network, and Khan had to admit he was right. Of course, that didn't matter before his soldiers' death.
"I take full responsibility, My Prince," Prince Thomas declared as soon as the video ended. "I've already sent messengers to probe Brigadier General Meadrey's intentions. I've also summoned my connections to his superiors and am negotiating a solution."
"How old is this news?" Khan couldn't help but ask, glancing at his Uncle.
"Less than a week old, My Prince," Prince Thomas revealed. "We didn't inform you
immediately since you were already flying to Baoway."
"The negotiations are going well," Monica added, claiming Khan's attention. "While we are at fault, Brigadier General Meadrey's preemptive attack was unsanctioned. Besides, the n.o.bles are on our side, so the Global Army is cornered."
Khan noticed the hidden emotion in Monica's expression. She knew how Khan felt but still had to suggest the politically correct decision. As much as Monica disliked doing that, it was her role. Khan might have even agreed to her before Senerth, but things were different now. "Negotiations?" Khan asked. "Someone spilled my blood. There's only war."