Demon Noble Girl ~Story of a Careless Demon~

Demon Noble Girl ~Story of a Careless Demon~

Akuma Koujo ~yurui Akuma No Monogatari~- 悪魔公女 〜ゆるいアクマの物語〜- 悪魔公女ⅱ ~ゆるふわアクマ旅情~【リメイク】- Demon Noble Girl ~tale Of A Gentle Demon~- Demon Girl ~tale Of A Lax Demon~
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Demon Noble Girl ~Story of a Careless Demon~

Akuma Koujo ~yurui Akuma No Monogatari~- 悪魔公女 〜ゆるいアクマの物語〜- 悪魔公女ⅱ ~ゆるふわアクマ旅情~【リメイク】- Demon Noble Girl ~tale Of A Gentle Demon~- Demon Girl ~tale Of A Lax Demon~
She had a dream: the world was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with light. Family. School. Friends. Trains. Buses. Movies. Books. In that world of light, she grew into ... adulthood… and at the very end, in a white room, she fell into darkness. She awoke from the dream to find that she had become a demon. In the demon world, she lived a carefree life until she encountered a powerful being.