Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dra...

Chapter 1962: You're Not Fighting A Single Fire Dragon, But All Of Them!

The Venerable's face distorted in pain as a third of his soul was sliced by Surtr's majestic sword, which quickly and suddenly attempted to devour the powerful soul, trying to make it so he wouldn't be able to easily recover from this and grow permanently weaker!

And yet...


With wicked laughter, the Venerable's sliced soul piece quickly transformed into an aberrant, tentacle abomination, piercing and burning through s.p.a.ce, distorting it and catching one of Surtr's arms within it.


With all his hatred and willpower, the Venerable quickly went for it! Using the Spatial Manipulation Powers he had temporarily obtained from the "Dimensional Essence" of his Dimensional Bubbles bursting and then a.s.similating this Essence, he turned the third of his soul which Surtr had sliced into a s.p.a.ce and Fire Attribute Divine Spirit instantly.

His quick thinking and adaptability to any battle made him a terribly hardy opponent, and Surtr finally learned how this monster could act once he was truly cornered!



Surtr felt intense pain in one of his arms, glaring at it as s.p.a.ce was constantly trying to tear it apart, and yet it couldn't, however. His scales were broken, and he felt like a sharp blade was trying to slice through around his arm, making him bleed.

However... his muscles were incredibly tough, and even tougher was his bones, making it so it was simply impossible for the blade to get through it without slowly grinding, taking much longer as a result.

"So he's tough that even closing and opening s.p.a.ce cannot easily slice through his body?!"

As the Venerable was shocked of Surtr's immense new durability, he was greeted by a punch in the face, and then two more, and the three more, five, seven, ten, twenty, thirty a hundred punches followed, covering his entire body, each punch generated a small explosion.


These explosions acc.u.mulated in large quant.i.ties, as the Venerable found himself in the middle of a combo attack, incapable of escaping this barrage of blows, he didn't let himself succ.u.mb, quickly fighting back by kicking Surtr's face and then trying to distort and close s.p.a.ce around his face!



The s.p.a.ce quickly tried to close, one of Surtr's eyes popped and exploded into blood, but his head was immensely hard, easily handling the compressing s.p.a.ce trying to slice through him, even if he bled a little.


The Venerable immediately went after the eyes once he was reminded of their incredible a.n.a.lytic abilities, which were probably what was giving Surtr such an "unfair" advantage! However, he was greeted by Surtr's sword, cutting right through his aberrant divine soul spirit and then dividing it into several pieces, which were slowly eaten by his fire dragon souls.



The Venerable quickly turned into a ma.s.sive maw, devouring the rest of his soul fragments and reabsorbing them into his body, before he dove into the ground beneath, avoiding Surtr's sword once more!

"He escaped? I should have guessed he would try this out eventually, but he can't get far... And I don't think he wants."

Surtr's mind processing abilities had increased greatly, allowing him to quickly guess many of these things, he rushed down into the floor and divided into the hard stone, melting it into lava as he reached the soul of the Venerable, which was escaping him.

"T-THIS b.a.s.t.a.r.d...!"

He groaned angrily, shapeshifting his body and merging with the entire surrounding stone and lava in the vicinity, turning into a ma.s.sive series of serpents, attacking Surtr from every angle once more, while devastating everything on his wake.



Surtr simply ignored his blows though, the attacks themselves dealt almost no damage at all to him, and his Primordial Origin Flames Coat around his body always kept him well healed.

The wounds provoked by Spatial Tearing within his body were now completely gone, healed almost instantly after the venerable was stopped.

"This f.u.c.king lizard is unscathed?! I should have never let him ascend!"

As he thought that, he looked at the front, finding what he was looking for, a large concentration of Dimensional Essence and Divine Fire Law Essence.

From where?

The very root of his Inheritance.

If things had gone to this point, he literally had no other choice but to tap on all his power at once and fight to the death.

He knew that if he could win against Surtr, and then obtain that Ascendancy Law Ring, it would all be worth it!

"Almost there...!"

He stretched his soul like a snake, trying to reach the Roots of his Inheritance Formation, a gigantic Dimensional Formation composed of several Dimensional Bubbles, made out of his Fragmented Divine Realm.

"I will tap into all my power and more, and then I will rip him to shreds!"

As he smiled viciously, suddenly...


Giant draconic claws caught up to him, as his entire soul was dragged back where he was

going to.


He suddenly felt immense fear, as he glanced back at Surtr, finding the fire dragon dragging him back, his Flames shapeshifting into fire dragons and rapidly starting to eat his soul again. "D-DAMMIT! LET GO OF ME, YOU PIECE OF s.h.i.t!"

The Venerable lost every single speck of calmness he had, rapidly manifesting hundreds of arms and fists and punching Surtr constantly, pushing him back more and more.



However, Surtr responded by roaring, the ground above them shattered and blew into pieces, as the fire dragon dared to unleash a fire dragon breath at point blank!



The Venerable was sent flying away, destroying everything in his wake as he clashed against several pillars, shattering the walls of his inheritance while his entire soul was burning!

Flames shouldn't even hurt him, and yet Surtr's Primordial Origin Fire hurt like h.e.l.l! "NNGGHH...! HAHAHA! b.a.s.t.a.r.d...! THANK YOU FOR THE FREE RIDE!"

"Dammit! Don't you dare...!"


As he laughed viciously, Surtr reached the Venerable too late, his soul melted into his entire

Inheritance's building, the Dimensional Bubbles bursting and releasing waves of Dimensional Essence, pushing Surtr away and generating an even bigger explosion.