"It's you..again"
"Hehehe, I'm not that easy to get rid off"
Keeping a tight grip on her Scythe, Solitary Tempest let out a snot and said, "You're good. I thought it would be a while before you find me, but I didn't expect that you would find me this fast"
"Why have you come to this place? There's nothing noteworthy here except for those Luminous Crystals, and it seems you still don't rec-"
[Soul Cras.h.!.+]
On the other hand, the intruder just smiled and was about to say something when Solitary Tempest suddenly disappeared from sight before abruptly emerging before her in a blink of an eye and watched as the silhouette of a huge scythe came smas.h.i.+ng down towards her direction!
The intruder was sent tumbling backwards along the ground like a helpless ragdoll, and because the woman had skillfully blocked and directed the attack to the ground, it caused rocks and debris flying everywhere while a small cloud of dust arose and slightly impeded their eyesight.
"Tsk! That was so close"
Even though her voice sounded confident, she couldn't hide her trembling hands that were holding her dagger, and when she saw that a huge chunk of her Health was missing, she couldn't help but click her tongue as she started becoming a little more nervous since she just realized that there was a high chance that Solitary Tempest could have killed her with that strike if she didn't manage to block it in time and executed her skill to reduce the damage on her.
[Dagger Cloak]
Reduces Damage Taken from AOE and Single-target attacks by 30% while increasing Movement Speed by 7%.
Duration: 5 seconds
Mana: 200 Mana
'If I didn't get this skill last night then I would probably be in my death throes by now. This woman is really a monster, and I hate it!'
"Stop moving around Dark Fel, and…DIE!"
Once the cloud of dust almost dissipated, Solitary Tempest immediately rushed out of it and once again arrived before her pursuer in just a few steps and repeated the same attack by swinging her weapon at her while muttering those words that sent chills down the woman's spine.
Dark Fel once again blocked that huge scythe with her dagger, and with their weapon grinding against each other trying to gain the upper hand, Dark Fel just smiled with gritted teeth and answered, "Do you think I'm stupid that I'm just gonna stop and offer my neck to you and wait for you to kill me!? Who do you think you are!?"
"I'm Solitary Tempest, that's why" Solitary Tempest replied with such a domineering tone like it was a matter of fact.
Thoroughly annoyed by her words, Dark Fel couldn't help but curse at her, "Grr, you're still as arrogant as ever b*tch! Just because people have given you the t.i.tle number one, you already think you're ent.i.tled to greatness!? Hmmp! I'll be taking back that t.i.tle today!"
Dark Fel out of anger tried to punch her face with her other free hand, but Solitary Tempest just dodged it by disengaging from her as she jumped backwards, creating distance between them.
"Hmmp! Is that supposed to be insulting? You say I'm arrogant, I say d.a.m.n right! That's pride, pride on what I have gotten to today. Unlike you had the backing of your guild from five years ago, I on the other hand, had worked my a.s.s off tenaciously honing my skills, challenging the impossible, getting betrayed by people who I thought were my friends, raiding bosses by myself and dying multiple times until that fateful day came when I had stepped all over your head five years ago on that arena! If that wasn't greatness in itself, then what is!?"
Solitary Tempest swung her weapon before her as she let out a snort and pointed at Dark Fel by the end of her words.
Dark Fel just stared at her, speechless, she wanted to say something but she didn't have any words to say in response because even though she didn't want to admit it, but deep inside her, Solitary Tempest was right.
"Cat got your tongue? Right, it's because you know I'm right. It has already been five years, and during that time, you have challenged me multiple times, and you once never won. Though I'm actually surprised that you have improved this much, but this much is not enough! If this is all you're all capable of, then I'm gonna tell you again what I told you a year ago… you will never catch up if this is only what you amount to! Give up and stop bothering me! You will never catch up, you will always live in my shadow, so instead of wasting both of our time, just turn back and continue to be the little princess who can only depend on her daddy's money!" Solitary Tempest was also annoyed because it has already been five years and this woman before her had kept pestering her because she couldn't accept her loss!
This fly-like persistence of Dark Fel annoys her the most since every time she appears before her, it always disrupts a lot of her plans and leisure!
Even though she was trying to make Dark Fel give up, what she said in the end had just made it worse and she immediately regretted it the moment those words came out!
"Da..daddy's money? Is that what you thought of me all this time? Daddy's money, ha…hahaha!"
With her head hanging down full of gloom by what she heard, Dark Fel suddenly started chuckling like she was about to go insane, and seconds later, it became a full on maniacal laugh!
"Troublesome" Solitary Tempest muttered to herself while watching Dark Fel slowly go insane. She immediately applied buffs on her and even popped something in her mouth that temporarily raised her stats.
"You're gonna regret uttering those words, Solitary Tempest! Because it's time…to PAY!!!"
Dark Fel snapped her head up and stared straight at Solitary Tempest with a gaze full of coldness, and not long after, a red aura started enveloping her body before she started flexing her body hard while screaming in madness!
"What is she screaming for? Is she going super saiyan or something? Does she really need to scream?" Solitary Tempest said while she has this amused expression on her face while watching Dark Fel and her screaming reminded her of a very old anime she had watched growing up.
But even though she was laughing, she didn't dare to let her guard down since she doesn't recognize the skill that Dark Fel is using that actually needs a lot of screaming and gathering of energy that she even felt the ground slightly trembling.
With that final burst of scream, Dark Fel slowly calmed down.
Her short black hair had turned red and became longer, her eyes became all white, her body became a little bigger with an increased muscle ma.s.s, and the final change was that red hue of an aura surrounding her body.
"It's actually amazing that her armor wasn't destroyed, and even her breast had gotten…a little bigger. Is that skill…really up to the task?"