My apologies. In the end, I was away for 2 weeks.
First in line is Sogou Ayaka.
After Sogou and Banewolf exchanged a few brief words……
[Just make sure…… you come back safely, Sogou-san.]
Suou Kayako called out to Sogawa with a very worried voice.
……Even that Suou has started to show such expressions now.
[Cla.s.s Prez!]
The rest of the group staying behind also called out to Sogou.
……To be honest, I kinda want her to just leave already.
I see.
This Genesis Labyrinth……
What counts as a ‘trick’ in the eyes of the labyrinth……
In a way, exploiting those loopholes is part of the strategy.
At that moment……
Seizing the opportunity, the Mad Emperor called out to me.
[I too shall join in entering the labyrinth.]
[……Are you sure that’s alright?]
The Mad Emperor is the ruler of his nation after all.
[From His Majesty Mira’s side, Chester Ord, known as the bravest of the Ord Family, will also partic.i.p.ate.]
In response to Hijiri’s call, Sogou nodded with a dependable expression on her face.
A rea.s.suring smile adorned her lips once again, instilling a sense of dependability to others.
As Sogou started walking towards the entrance, I called out to her as well.
[I’m leaving those to you, Sogou.]
[———–Yeah, leave this to me.]
Sogou pa.s.sed by me and stepped into the transfer room.
Inside her backpack were magic tools designed for use against Vysis.
If we were to entrust them to someone, it had to be someone who could activate them alone without fail.
After discussing this with Eve and Loqierra, we selected to entrust them to Sogou.
“Erika set the range of this magic tool to encompa.s.s the entire labyrinth, so its effect should cover it completely.”
After Eve explained so, I asked Loqierra.
Entry is one person at a time.
Until the transfer is complete, the next person can’t enter the teleportation room.
If someone is in the teleportation room, an impa.s.sable semi-transparent membrane seems to manifest.
After her, the ones entering next are divided into the vanguards and the rearguards.
A rearguard will enter after a short delay after the vanguards.
As for the vanguards, they’re a.s.sembled mainly with members who can deal with the Divine Servants.
On the other hand, the rearguards consist mostly of volunteer elite members from various countries.
Because most of the volunteer elite members from each country————
They’re primarily prepared for the battle against Vysis.
Thus, we want to avoid unnecessarily reducing their numbers in battles against the Divine Servants.
As a precaution, we put some slight pause in between the entry times.
During that time lag, the vanguards will deal with the Divine Servants.
If they can deal with them, that would be most desirable.
……Now then.
The next one would be teleporting———–
[I’m off.]
……is Munin.
Based on the ordering, she’s sandwiched between Seras and Sogou.
Sogou Ayaka and Seras Ashrain.
The top two in solo combat power among the raid members.
Munin’s ordering is based on the expectation she would be meeting up with one of them.
Yes, it’s as if…… snow made of light was falling.
……Apart from that buzzing sound in the ears, I felt nothing unusual.
I had already been teleported inside the labyrinth.
My view consisted of a white corridor and white walls.
The corridor was a bit wider than the hallways of the school in my previous world.
As for that sound———- It can’t be heard anymore.
It’s become quiet.
……The sound and light just before I was teleported……
There’s also Loqierra’s reaction……
[I see, that just now……]
Takao Hijiri
(Certainly looks like that cool-type sporty onee-san.)
Takao Itsuki
(A gyaru.)
Kashima Kobato
(Looks like a character from Clannad who somehow found herself in the wrong genre)
Ikusaba Asagi
(I’m kinda confused if short-haired girl or a beautiful dude. Also, MAL listed her name as Senjou Asagi. Dunno if they got that from the LN, haven’t read the official translated version. ps. I got the Ikusaba from the furigana written by the author.)
Tomohiro Yasu
(They totally beautified this dude. I remember this guy having the hairstyle of a chopped coconut.)
Oyamada Shougo
(And they turned this guy uglier. Meh, don’t think I remember much of his face either, but well, he now looks like the typical blondie from NTR.)