Pigimaru and Munin.
It seems that the two of them encountered a Sacrament released within the labyrinth.
It might have been a tough opponent just for these two alone.
It was fortunate that I was able to meet up with them before things got worse.
More than anything, it’s a big relief to have joined up with these two early.
Pigimaru jumped and moved from Munin to my arms.
He settled into his usual spot.
Just like that, he was unusually clingy for a while.
……Well, he must have been anxious.
However, it seems he did well protecting Munin.
When I praised him, he was even happier than usual.
……It felt like he was beyond just happy, but genuinely moved.
Right now……
———was acting as if he finds comfort being in his usual spot.
We started moving.
Munin, who was trotted alongside us, expressed her grat.i.tude.
[You really saved us, Touka-san.]
[The biggest concern after the entry was whether we could join up with the priority targets early. In that sense, it’s huge that I managed to meet up with you and Pigimaru like this.]
Loqierra had predicted “there’s no such possibility”……
There’s a chance that Sogou and the Takao sisters might have been teleported to a distant location.
The same goes for Loquera——— as well as Seras.
We pa.s.sed through the corridor.
There didn’t seem to be any presence nearby…… ———-No.
[Something’s coming.]
We entered a different corridor from where we sensed that presence.
[Pigimaru, keep an eye on the other side of this corridor.]
Munin concealed herself and quietly stayed behind me.
……I should consider using to avoid ambush.
But, given the MP consumption, I’d prefer to stick with the usual MP-saving combo.
It’s like a “horde” from those zombie-themed movies.
With that number, I could handle them with my Abnormal State Skills———–
Sacraments are also gathering from other corridors……
Could it be…… are they sweeping this area like they’re steamrolling through?
Pigimaru poked my neck with his protrusion.
It seems a horde is coming from the corridor Pigimaru was monitoring as well.
There are three corridors connected to this area.
It seems Sacraments are flowing in from all three.
Should I use my combined technique with Pigimaru?
Right here?
[Please turn into that Fly King Sword. Also, if it comes to it, protect Munin with hardening or something.]
I took the Slime Weapon in hand.
The color is the same as before but……
This time though, it’s a simple double-edged sword without serrated edges.
[First, we’ll break through the ones approaching from behind. Then, find a location that’s easier to defend while protecting Munin. Munin, prioritize your safety.]
[———-Let’s go.]
I used on the Sacraments approaching from behind and rushed towards them.
As I pa.s.sed by, I cut down the paralyzed Sacraments with the Fly King Sword.
Their numbers……
Because they’re somewhat larger in size, I can’t cut them all down in one go.
But since they’re not too large, the number of enemies increases.
If they come crashing in with that number———–
There’s a risk of me hitting the target limit.
That especially goes with .
Paralysis itself doesn’t have lethal capability.
If they have enough strength to move and do so, they can be dealt with by self-destruction.
But if they remain paralyzed, they’d just keep on consuming my target limit.
To avoid this, we need to kill the paralyzed enemies to reduce their numbers.
[ ]
———-Crickle, crackle———-
Once again, I understand the importance of having a frontline presence that moves simultaneously with me and deals with enemies one by one.
It seems Pigimaru also noticed.
More Sacrament reinforcements are pushing in from ahead in the direction we’re moving.
They’re planning to crush us with numbers huh.
The power of numbers is surprisingly formidable.
Members scattered during entry, and then crushed by the powerful Divine Servants and the numbers brought by Sacraments.
It’s a strategy that leverages the characteristics of the Genesis Labyrinth.
On the other hand, when we’re gathered, the power of numbers from Sacraments loses its meaning.
This has been proven in battles leading up to Enoh.
In that sense———– the enemy is also strategizing.
They’ve antic.i.p.ated our strengths and are deploying a method to neutralize them effectively.
I see.
Even the sh*tty G.o.ddess…… had firmly become cautious of us.
But with this situation, I’m worried about the other raid members.
No———– I guess I can think of this situation that way huh.
If the Sacraments are scattered and easily taken down individually————
If Vysis judged it that way, and this “gathering of Sacraments” were to be restricted here……
If we can eliminate this horde of Sacraments here, it would make things easier for the other raid members.
Munin spoke.
[Touka-san, you don’t have to worry so much about me. I trained with Seras-san for situations like this, remember? We did so much training…… Also, Pigimaru-san is taking good care of me. So…… just go all out!]
[———-, ……….I suppose so.]
Munin is likely trying to be considerate in her own way.
That said……
If more Sacraments keep coming out, blocking our path——–
We might end up with our backs against the wall, fighting against a “wall of paralyzed Sacraments”.
Yes———— Just like that time when I fought immediately after being dropped into the Disposal Ruins.
I hope that tactic works on these guys too——–
[Yes. I did encounter several Sacraments wandering around the labyrinth before running into the group, but I haven’t met any enemies that were particularly challenging.]
That “particularly challenging” Seras talks about refers more to enemies that are “challenging for Seras”.
In any case, Seras hadn’t run into other comrades either.
She hadn’t met Sogou or the Takao sisters, who had entered close to her.
[What about citizens of the Royal Capital?]
[I haven’t met them.]
We also haven’t encountered anyone from the capital so far.
There might not be as many people from the capital left in Eno as expected.
Or perhaps, if you normally think about it, given the current situation, they’re likely hiding inside buildings.
In that case, there’s no need to worry too much about the people from the Royal Capital.
[Anyhow…… It’s fortunate that we managed to regroup with these members almost unscathed.]
After all, that enhancement would likely affect the Sacraments heading toward the destruction of the Sacred Eye.
Loqierra had a.n.a.lyzed this.
If Vysis wants to quickly destroy the Sacred Eye and “escape” to Heaven……
Waiting near the goal point would currently give Vysis the highest chance of winning.
That said, it’s also dangerous to a.s.sume she will definitely stay in the castle.
For example, if we a.s.sumed———-
“Vysis won’t move from the goal point.”
Vysis could also a.s.sume we will take it for granted that she won’t move from the goal point.
It’s entirely possible she might intentionally move away from the goal early on.
I believe I’ve laid all the groundwork I could.
Now that we’ve officially entered the full-scale battle against Vysis, I hope you enjoyed this volume.
And thank you for your warm support, feedback, reviews, and messages for the second part of the final arc. Although I haven’t been able to respond individually, I’ve read every message, and they’ve been a great source of encouragement and support. I’m genuinely happy with a simple “It’s interesting!” but I also appreciate when you find the good points or feel that the elements I intended to convey were successfully communicated. (It’s sometimes surprising to see how well some aspects have been understood.) Likewise, bookmarks, rating points, and likes are also a great encouragement and support for my writing. Seeing these increases makes me feel personally that my message has been conveyed properly, and I’m very pleased about that.
I also appreciate the concern expressed in the feedback section (thank you for that). In reality, the recent consecutive updates have taken more time than expected for revisions, leaving me quite exhausted…… Working on the Light Novel is also part of this, but I’ve realized that spending too much time on revisions can be a double-edged sword…… Nevertheless, I can’t easily compromise on quality, so I plan to continue as long as my health allows.
I’ll be taking a short break to recover and then proceed with Part 3 at a pace that suits me, though I do aim for regular updates.
I’m looking forward to meeting you again in Part 3.
Thank you very much.