Isekai Yururi Kikou ~Raising Children Wh...

Chapter 105

There was a woman with same color of hair and eyes as Wald-sama who was relaxing at the salon when we arrived .

Wald-sama is the second son so it’s certain that he has an elder brother, but I wonder if he has a sister too?

「My, my, Wald-san, welcome home」

「Mother, I have returned」

…… It appears that the woman was, in fact, Wald-sama’s mother .

She’s a youthful woman, she doesn’t look at the age where could have given birth to Wald-sama at all .

「This must be Tak.u.mi-san . Welcome . My name is Rebecca」

「I’m Tak.u.mi . These children are Allen and Elena . We will be intruding for some time, Rebecca-sam……――n」


Rebecca-san apparently also doesn’t like to be called -sama .

The moment I was about to say “Rebecca-sama,” I was glared at very hard, so I changed it to “-san” at the last moment .

Wald-sama glared at me as well, but I ignored him and prompted Allen and Elena to greet Rebecca-san too .

「Allen and Elena, you should say your greetings too」

「I am Allen!」

「I am Elena!」


On the way from Matthias-san’s office to the salon, I taught the children to say「h.e.l.lo」in addition to「I am」, so they were able to properly say their greetings .

Yeah, a good performance, a good performance~ To think the children who would hide behind me when greeting others would come this far, I’m so moved~

「Yes, h.e.l.lo . Fufufu~ What adorable children they are~ That’s right~ Please, call me Obaasama, okay?」


「Oh my! Very good~」

「…… Mother」

It appears that Rebecca-san is a very playful person .

She’s pleased that Allen and Elena called her “Obaasama,” but wouldn’t you normally be happier if they called you “Oneesama”?

「After all~ I would like to get a grandchild soon~ Wald-san, have you still not found a bride?」

Ahh, I see . Rebecca-san wants a grandchild, huh .

「Please put your expectations on Elder brother who has a wife . They are newly-wed, so that day will come soon」

It seems like a child would be reliably conceived if the『Drops of Blue Rose』I received from Vivian were used, but…… well, since they are newly-wed, they will be surely blessed with a child before long . If there are no signs after several years, I can just give it to them at that time, right?

「You are right . I will wait while taking care of these children until then~」

She decided to take care of Allen and Elena by herself .

Well, I would be thankful if she was affectionate to them . But even now they were clinging to my legs and watching Rebecca who was beckoning them to come over .

「My, my, it seems like more time is necessary before they get used to me」

「For sure . They are shy of strangers by nature . I’m sorry」

「How unfortunate . But, you will stay at our home for a while, they will gradually get used to me」

After that, we decided to have tea with Rebecca-san .

「Tak.u.mi, do you have “that”?」

「By “that”, you mean?」

「Ice cream . I want to eat that . Do you have some pre-made?」

「Ah, ice cream, is it? I have, but……」

While drinking the black tea that was served to me, Wald-sama suddenly said that he wants to eat ice cream .

It was a demand for ice cream, but I have some pre-made . When Wald-sama and rest were sleeping after pulling an all-nighter at Alveil, I was bored so I made ice cream with Allen and Elena in our room, so various kinds of ice cream are stored in my《Infinite Storage》 .

「Give me」


It was quite a concise demand .


「Allen will eat too~」

「Elena wants to eat too~」

At the critical moment, Allen and Elena took advantage of Wald-sama’s request and raised their hands as well .

These two really like ice cream, don’t they~

「It can’t be helped, huh…… I have milk flavor, milk flavor blended with finely crushed nuts, honey flavor, Ichi flavor, and Kahee flavor . Which would you like, Wald-sama?」

「Oh, the variety increased? Let’s see~ Al――」

「Ah, I will say this first, but you can’t get all」

When I asked what flavor he would like, it felt like Wald-sama would say all of them, so I conveyed to him that he can’t get all flavors before it was too late .

「What!? I can’t?」

…… He really was going to ask for all .

「It’s just before dinner, you know? Besides, the children will get an upset stomach if they eat a lot of cold things . Allen and Elena will endure with one flavor, but are you really going to eat all of them in front of them?」

「…… Ou, sorry . I would like the Kahee flavored one」


When I explained that he can’t get all, Wald-sama obediently chose the Kahee flavored ice cream .

Well, his disappointment is very clear to understand . Let’s see~ Another flavor…… let’s give him one milk flavored with nuts too .

「Allen, Elena, what would you like~?」

「Allen, honey~」

「Elena, I~chi~」

Allen and Elena want honey and Ichi, huh~ It would be unfair if only Wald-sama got two kinds, so let’s give the two a bigger serving of the flavors they chose~

「Say, what is this ice cream? Won’t you explain to me?」

「It’s a cold sweet dessert . Would you like to try it as well, Rebecca-san?」

「My, is that fine? Then, could I have Tak.u.mi-san’s recommendation?」

「Yes, I understand」

Since it’s Rebecca-san’s first time eating ice cream, let’s go with the common milk flavor and Ichi flavor that women seem would like .

I immediately retrieved ice cream from the《Infinite Storage》, and scooped the two flavors into a bowl . I need that thing . The clickety-click… thing for scooping out ice cream . Would a blacksmith understand if I explained it a bit? Let’s confirm before long .

「Thank you for waiting」


The four promptly begin eating the ice cream .

「It’s my first time eating, but it’s very delicious」

It suited Rebecca-san’s tastes and she ate very elegantly, but her pace was quick .

「Our chefs have to quickly learn how to make this」

「My, Wald-san . Have it been decided that Tak.u.mi-san will teach you how?」

「Rather than teaching me, he has already given me the recipe」

「Oh my, really? That is delightful, but Tak.u.mi-san, is that really fine? Wald-san didn’t extort you, did he?」

Eh? E, extort she says…… Rebecca-san, do you believe that your own son would do something like that?

「I, it’s fine . Besides the Ruven House, I thought the ice cream recipe to another three n.o.ble houses . But well, I taught them only the milk flavor recipe . I have decided to each house come up with their own flavor idea」

「Oh my, is that so? That’s good then, but…… since this is something I haven’t eaten nor heard about before, isn’t this Tak.u.mi-san’s invention?」

「You could say that……?」

To be accurate, that’s wrong~ What is this…… is it a mistake to bring such things into this world?

「But, I have no intention of hiding it, rather, it would be more convenient if it spread around」

Hiding it would be inviting trouble after all~ I would like to avoid that .

Moreover, I would like to eat ice cream anywhere . But well, it’s not like the act of freezing can be done everywhere in this world, so it might be impossible after all .

「My, is that so? Then, would it be all right for me to introduce it at an open tea party?」

「Yes, I don’t mind . But, I would like to refrain from proactive guidance」

「Yes, yes . We will have our chefs do their best . Oh dear, I somehow got very excited . Tak.u.mi-san, you will instruct them on the milk flavored one, right? After they are able to do that, I will have them do their best at this Ichi ice cream!」

「The Kahee flavored one was a bit bitter, but it worked as it was tasty」

「That also sounds tasty, doesn’t it? In that case, we will have to do our best at the Kahee one too~ Fufu, how fun~」

Rebecca-san and Wald-san got excited while discussing what flavors of ice cream the chefs should make for a while .

While listening and drinking my tea, a messenger arrived as the schedule for the audience with the King has been decided .

Surprisingly! The audience seems to be scheduled for tomorrow .