Chapter 127
While walking on the highway, a creature resembling a squirrel appeared before us . Its ears were slightly longish for a squirrel, and above all, its entire body was emerald-green .
That should be, if I’m not mistaken, a monster called Forest Rat . It’s just a small animal similar to the Pastel Rabbit, but unlike only having cute appearances like the Pastel Rabbit, it should be a considerably troublesome monster .That very Forest Rat is for some reason running towards us .
Far from being vigilant, Allen and Elena stared with their eyes open wide at the approaching adorable animal . Anyhow, preparing for battle doesn’t seem necessary .
But, today seems to be the day of encountering small animals .
The Forest Rat who came up to our feet climbed up on Allen and sat on his head .
Allen let out a startled voice while Elena looked at Allen enviously .
《Ah~…… can you hear me?》
《How do you do? I’m the Earth G.o.d Nomoodle》
Ehh-!? This squirrel is the Earth G.o.d Nomoodle-sama!?
《This Forest Rat is a monster . My voice is only reaching through this Forest Rat as I’m actually in the Sanctuary》
A reply came for what I was thinking in my mind .
Come to think of it, G.o.ds are able to read minds . That ability is effective even when not meeting directly, huh……
「Excuse me . How do you do, Nomoodle-sama . I’m called Tak.u.mi」
《Yes, yes . I’m aware . You have been a hot topic within the Sanctuary recently . I’ve heard that you are Sylphreel’s retainer and have received Marianora-sama’s divine protection . Moreover, you are raising Windell’s children, and even received Salamanteel’s favor . Wouldn’t that make me an outcast? Therefore, I thought of talking to you like this》
It seems that Nomoodle-sama has contacted me with appropriately terrific reason .
He gives off a calm impression from his way of talking and the tone of his voice, but he seems to be quite a bold G.o.d .
Rather, wait a moment! The hot topic of the Sanctuary…… what that might be about!? As for others…… well, they are all true~
Still, I didn’t think a G.o.d would contact me in a way like this!
With this, I got involved with all of the G.o.ds in some way or shape, huh~
「…… Is that all right?」
《By all right you mean? There’s no problem with talking to you through a living being like this, you know?》
「…… Is that so?」
I see, it’s all right…… I thought it might be done through overbearing means, but that doesn’t seem to be the case . Rather, the Forest Rat has moved from Allen’s head to Elena’s head before I noticed .
「Err…… did you take this form just because you wanted to talk with me, Nomoodle-sama?」
《I heard that you made contributions with many dishes》
「Yes, looks like it」
Talking about cooking? I heard that cooking is the domain of the Fire G.o.d Salamanteel’s, so it should be unrelated to the Earth G.o.d Nomoodle-sama, right?
《That’s not the case, you know?》
Nomoodle-sama denied what I was thinking about .
It seems he has read my mind again .
《The ingredients――in other words, the crops are part of my domain . Seeing them getting widely utilized is a joyous thing》
「I, is that so? I’m glad I could be of help」
I see, I can consent to that .
《There are still many ingredients that this world hasn’t seen yet . Ah, of course, there are things similar to Tak.u.mi-san’s world and things unique to this world . I have expectations for the future, so please do your best》
「…… I will work hard」
Although I say that, the things I can do are limited~
《Letting the children eat delicious stuff while living carefreely like you were up until now . That’s enough》
I would like you to stop reading my mind so naturally……
《Ah, right, right, Tak.u.mi-san . Please contract this Forest Rat by all means》
Ah, yeah, he smoothly ignored me, huh~
《It’s combat power isn’t that high, but it’s of a dexterous race, so I believe it will be useful to you in various ways》
「…… Thank you very much」
Haa…… first of all, let’s use【Appraisal】on the Forest Rat .
【Race】Forest Rat[Tak.u.mi’s Contracted Beast]
【Skills】Earth Magic
Wood Magic
Presence Detection
Abnormal Status Resistance
Ah~ yeah . This Forest Rat does indeed posses【Earth Magic】and【Wood Magic】skills that we don’t . As Nomoodle-sama said, it will be quite useful .
Rather, it has already become my Contracted Beast, so returning it would be impossible!
《Ahh, let’s make Tak.u.mi-san able to use Earth magic too》
「T, thank you very much」
《All that’s left are items, huh . I will choose suitable things later and send them to you, alright?》
「No, no, you don’t have to go that far……」
《Don’t say that . It’s not like I can fall behind the others . Please look forward to it》
Nomoodle-sama unexpectedly hates to lose, it seems? No, is that his pride?
Well, if he decided on giving me items, then I will quietly receive them .
《It was a worthwhile time today . Well then, let’s meet again》
Probably feeling satisfied, Nomoodle-sama left . The Forest Rat he used as the vessel curiously looked around .
…… Huhh? Just now, did Nomoodle-sama say「Again」? Eh, there’s「Again」!?
At that time, will this Forest Rat become his vessel once again?
When I looked at the Forest Rat who moved back on Allen’s head…… it curiously returned my stare .
「Ahh, sorry, sorry . Right, we have to name you」
Remembering that I have not named the Forest Rat yet, I hurriedly started thinking of a name .
「N~ right . Mairu…… how about that?」
《Un, it’s Mairu nano! Tak.u.mi Nii, please take care of me nano!》
Ah, come to think of it, Mairu already has the【Telepathy】skill . Although you feel somewhat connected after making the contract, being able to talk directly is several times more convenient~
「That’s right . Mairu is our child starting today as well . Get along with her you two」
When I introduced Allen and Elena to Mairu, Mairu who was on Allen’s head moved to his arms .
《I’m Mairu nano! Let’s get along nano!》
「Allen nano~」
「Elena nano~」
After introducing themselves to Mairu, they were playing with her while moving her from arms to arms . Allen and Elena played by mimicking Mairu’s way of speaking .
It seems they will get along with no problems .