Chapter 71
After seeing Joule off, I decided to distribute emergency food to the people who were held as prisoners . Because they seem to have not eaten anything decent for a while .
I will have Feat and Bolt continue watching over the bandits and surroundings, and I think of asking Allen and Elena to help me .…… Vector is sprawled next to the bandits . He seems to be sleeping, so I will leave him alone .
「Allen, Elena . Come and help me for a bit~」
Now then, what should I cook? I think something easy to digest sounds good, but…… would a tasty soup with well-boiled ingredients be good?
「「What doing~?」」
「Could you two grind this?」
「「Un, got it~」」
I will have Allen and Elena make fish b.a.l.l.s .
I fillet the Arrowfish we obtained in the Dungeon of Ripples and ask the two to grind them with a pestle . I don’t have a food processor, so we use a mortar and pestle for grinding medicinal plants as a subst.i.tute .
Mortar and pestle――I have acquired few sets for when making curry spices .
While Allen and Elena are working, I put water in a pot and chop vegetables one after another .
「Allen, Elena . How is it?」
I take a peek at the fish the cooperating children ground .
「Oh, it looks good~」
「「Onii~chan, done~?」」
「Un, it’s done~ thank you」
I receive the fish paste Allen and Elena made, mix it with eggs, minced ginger, and salt…… and it’s done!
From what I remember, the method of making fish b.a.l.l.s included potato starch, but I don’t have it so it can’t be helped . I do have corn, though~ Let’s look for the potato starch next time and use this for today!
「Allen, Elena . Next, do this like that……」
The vegetables are boiled just right, so I show them how to scoop the fish b.a.l.l.s on a spoon and put them into the pot .
「Make them into mouthful sizes and put them in . Can you do it?」
「「Can do~」」
「The hot water will jump out if you put the fish b.a.l.l.s in the pot too vigorously, so do it slowly, okay?」
「Yos.h.!.+ Then, let’s do it」
The three of us peacefully insert the fish b.a.l.l.s into the pot .
After the fish b.a.l.l.s are cooked, I adjust the salty taste…… and it’s done!
The seasoning is simple with salt . I could have made it with soy sauce or miso too, but they should be more used to eating the saltiness .
「「Looks delish~」」
「Thank you . Would Allen and Elena like to eat too once we distribute it to everyone?」
Without delay, I serve the soup in bowls and distribute it to the children and women .
The tableware I had at hand wasn’t enough, but I somehow managed by using cups as soup bowls . I should get a little bit more tableware, don’t I?
A chance for distributing emergency food like that might not happen again, but I will purchase more immediately after returning just in case .
Also, on occasion, let’s purchase a proper furniture, so I don’t have to use a wooden box instead of a kitchen table . I would also like nice stools for Allen and Elena .
「「Delish~ right~」」
Allen and Elena start eating together with all contracted beasts except Joule .
When I was about to deliver the soup to Vector, he was standing on alert before the pot before I noticed…… what a calculating personality Vector has~
Once Joule returns, I will let him eat lots as a reward .After the meal had finished, their complexions got a little better, and they also seem to have calmed down . They thanked us for the meal, and said「It was delicious」as their impressions .
After the meal, we have spent the time slowly .
Then, before the sun started setting, I could see the soldiers climbing the mountain . It seems Joule returned and brought along people .
《Goshujinsama, I have returned~!》
Joule who swiftly returned plunged into my chest .
At that time, a boyish voice resounded directly in my head .
《I was able to do it properly~ Praise me, praise me~!》
I heard the voice again . This is a【Telepathy】 .
The owner of the voice is definitely Joule .
「Yosh, yosh . Joule, thank you~」
『Kyau~n, kyau~n』
When I pat Joule who wonderfully accomplished his errand, he let out a comfortable cry .
In the meanwhile, when I confirm Joule’s status, there was【Telepathy】as I thought .
《Joule, when did you become able to use【Telepathy】?》
There are others around, so I use【Telepathy】as well and try asking Joule .
《Just a little bit ago! I was able to use it while returning! With this, I can chat with Goshujinsama~》
《That’s right~》
It appears he learned it while on the errand . With this, I’m able to communicate with Joule without speaking .
Until now, the proficiency of my【Telepathy】skill was low and I could use【Telepathy】only in a one-way . However, because Joule and others understand my speech, I didn’t find the need of using【Telepathy】 .
Although it’s a perfect skill to give instructions to others without letting others know .
《By the way, Joule . Could you stop calling me Goshujinsama?》
《Why~? Gushujinsama doesn’t like it~?》
I decided to change Joule’s way of addressing me .
Although no one would hear our conversation, being called Goshujinsama is a little bit embarra.s.sing, so I would like to be called differently . Urgently .
《N~ Rather than not liking it, I won’t be able to get accustomed to it, or won’t be able to feel calm? Just Tak.u.mi is fine》
When I told him he could call me by my name, Joule raised a displeased voice . He apparently doesn’t like to call me by my name .
《You don’t like that? Then, do you have an easy way of addressing me that isn’t Goshujinsama?》
《N~~~ Then, can I call you Oniichan?》
《Un, you can》
《Ya~y . Oniicha~n》
I’m used to be called “Oniichan,” so I would prefer that over Goshujinsama . In the first place, Joule and others also seem like younger siblings to me .
By the way, according to Joule, Feat and others are also apparently calling me Goshujinsama .
It’s possible that Feat and others will learn【Telepathy】too, so I spoke to them and told them not to call me Goshujinsama .
Then, the other three also settled on the “Older brother” relations.h.i.+p .
I’m interested how they will address me now, but I will look forward to the day the three animals can speak to me directly .
《Ah, Allen, Elena . I’m back~》
Joule switches his gaze to Allen and Elena and jumps into their embrace .
《That’s right! It’s me!》
「「Oo~ Jou~le, welcome back~」」
《I’m back~》
Although surprised by Joule’s【Telepathy】, Allen and Elena immediately started playing with Joule who safely returned .
While watching over the children, my name was suddenly called .
「Eh!? Ricardo-san?」
When I look back, I saw that the soldiers were already here . It appears they arrived while I was talking with Joule . Among them was a Knight of the Risner House――Ricardo-san .
It must have been Ricardo-san who called me . Apparently, not only soldiers were dispatched to secure the bandits, but Knights as well .
「Were you dispatched by Cedric-san?」
「Yes, that’s correct . It’s only natural for us to come when Tak.u.mi-dono is awaiting support after catching bandits」
Natural…… is it? Rather, they have already reported to Cedric-san, huh……
Umm…… this matter won’t raise any ruckus, nor it’s something to get angry about, right?
「Did Cedric-san say something?」
「He was grateful . The actions of these bandits were recently too flashy, so the damage they caused increased . I would like to thank you as well . Thank you very much」
Ricardo-san lowered his head, and I panicked .
「N, no . It’s only by accident that we have encountered them……」
「But still . It’s thanks to Tak.u.mi-dono that these people were safely rescued . By the way, Tak.u.mi-dono . These animals are…… putting the puppy and kitten aside, is that bird perhaps a Thunderhawk? Also, that red one is still young, but it looks like a Scarlet King Leo to me……」
…… c.r.a.p .