Isekai Yururi Kikou ~Raising Children Wh...

Chapter 97

Chapter 97 – Step to Popularization

A few hours later, Feat and Vector returned .

《《We are back~》》

Together with Feat’s voice, I heard a mischevious boyish voice . Apparently, Vector has safely learned the【Telepathy】skill . Whether he learned it by defeating monsters or thanks to Feat using【Telepathy】and cooperating with him, that I don’t know .

「Seems like you safely learned it」

《Un! I learned it~》

「Thank you, Feat」

《It’s fine~ Ah, these are monster materials . As I thought, he was turning them to cinders at first, so I couldn’t get too much though》

Ehh!? He really turned them to cinders!

「W, was there no damage to the surroundings?」

《There was a time a place nearly got burnt, but nothing that would become a problem happened, so it’s fine》

「I, I see」

Well, a bit burnt is toleratable .

Pulling myself together, it was already time, so we decided to move to the next camping place .

And, since I was entrusted with the meals everywhere that is not an inn, I immediately started the preparations .

「Allen, Elena . What do you want to eat?」

「「N, you see~……―― Curry rice!」」

Oh! It’s time for curry rice!

Come to think of it, Wald-sama and others have eaten dishes with curry spice before, but they haven’t eaten curry yet, right? In that case, I think it should be fine for curry to become today’s main dish on the menu, but…… what to do about rice?

N~ I shouldn’t worry too much about it and ask directly .

「Excuse me . Does anyone feel repulsive about eating White Wheat?」

「White Wheat you say, that White Wheat? That thing is hard to eat, isn’t it?」

Wald-sama reacted to my question first .

「It can immensely soften after cooked . We ate it a lot in my hometown instead of bread」

「Is that so? Any of Tak.u.mi’s dishes are delicious . I don’t mind」

「That’s right . I have no objections as well」

「Me too」

「I’m also good . Captain has been always boasting how delicious Tak.u.mi-san’s dishes are, so I’m looking forward to it!」

I unexpectedly smoothly got everyone’s approval .

White Wheat might not have the image of being animal feed, but it might have hard to eat image instead .

「Thank you very much . I will make it immediately . ―― Allen, Elena, let’s do it~」


I think of asking the two to help me make ice cream for after the meal dessert . It’s the perfect time for a dessert because it’s still hot .

I mix sugar with eggs and add the thick milk――a fresh cream like thing we have recently discovered . This is where I would like to put vanilla beans . I still don’t have them, so maybe next time . I think of going with a simple ice cream .

No, egg ice cream? Well, either is fine .

Then, the mixture is heated for a moment . It can be done without the heating, but food poisoning is scary . Safety first! I cool it after heating and split that liquid into three parts .

If I can make this skillfully, I would like to challenge various flavored ice creams . What I could do now is a strawberry-like flavor from「Iichi Fruit」, caramel, Kahee, and black tea . I could also put nuts in . Rum raisins may work too, but…… I don’t have rum after all . How are brandy raisins, I wonder? I have a stock, should I give it a try? Among others, I could also do mint flavor and roasted soybeans flavor? It’s too bad that I don’t have the royal road of flavors, chocolate, but it seems that I will be able to make a decent one out of certain materials .

「Allen, Elena, could you stir this for me please?」


I freeze one part instantly with《Freeze》magic and put it in the《Infinite Storage》 . I freeze another part and have Allen and Elena stir it and slowly repeat the process a few times .

「You guys roll the ice so it won’t break, okay~」


Then, I put the last part in a container and seal it . I requested Joule to make an ice ball with the container in the center and have them roll it .

If I’m correct, the hardness or rather the texture of the ice cream should be different .

The children gave me a cheerful reply and everyone started their respective work, but the work of Joule and others feels like a game, so Allen and Elena were a bit interested at first, but they immediately started focusing on their own work .

While the children are working, I start making the curry rice .

First, I prepare the White Wheat in a large quant.i.ty . I think it would be necessary to make a good amount for the four knights, so I have to cook it several times . It doesn’t take too much time to cook, so I will manage .

As for the curry…… shall I make the alligator curry I made before? I retrieve the ingredients from the《Infinite Storage》and continue working .

「Oh, looks good!」


「Un, you did well . Thank you」

Just as I was cooking the veggies, the ice cream was completed .

「Here, taste it」

「「Ahh~……―― Nniyu~」」

When I spoon the ice cream Allen and Elena made and bring it in their mouths, the two held down their cheeks and showed the faces of satisfaction .

Before I noticed, Joule and others gathered too, so I gave everyone a mouthful .

「How is it?」

「「Delish~! More~!」」

It appears that Allen and Elena like the ice cream quite a lot . Their「More, more」requesting voices were something .

「N~ then, I will give you a mouthful of each type . The rest is after the meal」


I decided that we might as well taste and compare the ice cream Joule and others rolled around and the one I stored the moment I froze it .

Judging from the results, each came out deliciously, and if I had to choose, then the one Allen and Elena stirred came out the smoothest . Well, I think there’s only a slight difference though .

N~ there should also be the method of whipping the fresh cream and mixing ingredients in . Would it come out smoother that way?

But you see~ the best method is the laborless freezing method . It’s a simple method so Allen and Elena would have an easier time, and above all, it would be easier to make various kinds .

Ah, there’s also the hand of making a magic tool that would easily whip the fresh cream . Let’s try asking in a magic tool shop in the capital .

「Then, the tasting is over . Let’s make the curry~」


Finis.h.i.+ng the ice cream tasting, I resume cooking of curry .

「Looks delicious」

「It smells really nice~」

「It has an appet.i.te stimulating fragrance, isn’t it?」

「This scent makes me feel even hungrieer~」

When I got to the stage of adding the spices and cooking it together, the knights who were waiting and preparing the camp in the distance impatiently approached . As I thought, the curry’s fragrance is the best, it’s a “human pampering . ”

I let it mature with magic this time as well, and it’s complete!

「It’s done, so let’s have a meal」

When I said such, I was waiting for this, everyone was making such expression .


「This is the White Wheat, huh . So it could become this soft」

「Also, this is quite filling, isn’t it?」

「It’s very delicious!」

The children are also eating deliciously, but the reaction of the knights was far greater .

Nevertheless, the reaction after eating the White Wheat was superb . The reaction of Vivian whom I let it eat before was also good, so the tongues of the people of Aetherdia might be close to j.a.panese people’s as I thought .

「「Onii~chan, ice~」」

After finished eating the meal, Allen and Elena urged for the dessert ice cream .

Not only that, the two were also “quickly, quickly” repeating while pulling on my clothes . Joule and others were also rubbing against my body as if trying to press me .

「Alright, I got it」

I retrieved ice cream from the《Infinite Storage》, served it in bowls and handed it to the children . Of course, I have it to Wald-sama and others as well .


『Kyau~《This is really delicious after all~》』

『Unaa~《It’s delicious》』



As expected, the children seemed to considerably like the ice cream and everyone ate it deliciously .

And, as for Wald-sama and others――


They were silently indulging themselves . Well, there’s no doubt that they like it .