"What do you mean?" Gary said. "You're prepared to fight me and you got everyone here to go against me."
"Do you think I want to fight you?" Kai replied. "I don't want you to die.”
"Think about it. You already went to the One Gang, you already faced Harvor and after a single real blow by him you pa.s.sed out.”
"If you go there now, what are you going to do? Do you have any idea of how to beat him, any idea of changing the outcome.”
"Any idea of stopping the entire One Gang from coming to Slough and starting a war!"
Gary was starting to have flashbacks of what Slough looked like after the fight with the Phoenix Gang.
How the city was in ruins, how even the people who lived in Slough were hurt and injured, some of them even losing their lives.
"Did you forget who lives in this city, your friends and their families and even your family Gary!”
"Right now it's more important to protect those that you know are alive! You're right, I didn't see Jayden die with my own eyes but do you know who I know is alive.”
"Your sister Amy, your friends behind me, and your mother. If you go there and you lose your life then what will happen?”
"Stop being a selfish child and think about the people here and how they would feel if they lost you, and then think about who will protect them.”
"If we lose you and Harvor comes here, no one will survive. Right now you have to face it Gary… you're just too weak to do anything."
Kai was carefully watching Gary's reactions, he could see his hands tensing up his muscles flexing.
Just like before it was how Xin had reacted before she had attacked.
It was then that Gary made a large moment and his right arm had transformed.
Austin and the others were quick to look at the move, ready to jump in. There was fear in them, would they really have to all try and take on Gary? Could they even hold him back?
The fist was thrown out but it went right past Kai's face, who hardly even moved, instead the fist was thrown straight into the ground breaking the ice further.
"ARGHHH" Gary screamed at the top of his lungs, he dug his claws into the large chunk of the ice underneath and pulled it out.
He then swung it hard into the stands and seating areas, smas.h.i.+ng it to bits. Gary then jumped up in the air and landed in the ice again pounding his fists into the ground.
"What is he doing?" Marie asked as the others had arrived, now standing close to Kai.
"He's just blowing off some steam, he's got a lot of emotions right now and he's letting it all out. It's normal in these situations, I know how he feels." Kai answered. "After he breaks a few things he'll feel a bit better, but after that he will have to face the facts of everything."
Gary continued to trash the ice arena using his physical strength to hit whatever he could find.
He never was going to hit Kai, he never would. He knew Kai was right and Kai had become someone that was extremely precious to him.
Even in a fit of anger Gary wouldn't dare to hurt those that had been with him a long time and helped him so much through this entire journey.
But he needed to get it off his chest, he needed to get everything out of him.
The others continued to watch Gary struggle on as he destroyed everything in sight and the more they watched him the more hurt they felt as well.
"Gary is always the one that's baring so much for us." Marie said. "I hate it… we need to do our part as well, not everything and the protection of Slough is down to him, why do you put so much on his shoulders Kai, he's just like us."
"He's not like us." Kai answered. "Have you ever read those books where someone comes across a lot of power and thinks about what you would do in those situations?”
"I'm sure many people believe they would do the right thing or take a hero-like path. But the reality is, it's a tough situation to face.”
"When literal lives are in your hands, when things aren't just a number and when it's easier to just run away and live a peaceful life.”
"You're right, it is a lot of responsibility and something that most our age wouldn't be able to handle. Gary is someone that's been able to handle everything that's thrown at him.”
"Even if I was in his shoes I'm sure my rational mind would choose an easier option but he won't, he will take everything on."
Gary then stopped destroying the ice arena and in that moment fell onto his knees no longer transformed.
Tears were flowing down his face and with a weak shaky fist he continued to pound the ice below his feet.
"I'm not strong enough, you're right I'm too weak… I'm too weak to go back!" Gary said.
Gary then wiped away his tears with the sleeve of his hand and looked up at the sky.
Eventually he stood back on his feet and turned to Kai and the others.
"Please Kai tell me you have a way, you know of a way that I can get stronger?" Gary asked.
Kai shook his head, and in response, a great pain was felt in Gary's entire body.
"I don't Gary, but there might be some who does." Kai answered.
"I think I might be able to help with your problem, I have been a guest here for a while so I guess I should return the favour."
When Gary turned his head he could see Daphne Bree, the head of the Bree Family, one of the Kings.