Vampires—through Dean's story, the Howlers including Kai knew Rickle was one, one of the founders of NIRV.
Although because of their small run-in with these creatures, Kai had almost completely forgotten about it, and he remembered once he realized the knee-jerk reaction his body had to Rickle's presence.
He started to think back to all the situations where the group had encountered vampires of sorts.
Marie and Olivia being the first, then there was also the vampire Gary had encountered in the jail, and there was Rickle as well.
'We have no idea of their numbers or their purpose. When I try to dig information it's almost impossible,' Kai thought.
'Is it some type of power they have? It might explain how Rickle was able to obtain all of this information as well.’
'The main concern I have is if there's something to worry about. Midwak talked about them as well, and said it was the main reason why the Lupus Gang was unable to act.'
Their ultimate goal in all of this after things settled with Harvor was to deal with the Lupus Gang, and seeing how Gary had already met a high-ranking member, he knew it was coming.
But Kai wanted to think beyond that; he couldn't just think of the next step. If the vampires were pus.h.i.+ng things behind the scenes, then taking out the Lupus Gang completely wouldn't be good for them unless they could reconcile with the vampires as well.
'I'm going to have to put a pin in it,' Kai said as he picked up his phone and wrote down a few notes.
'First, we need to get this to White Rose. I have a feeling that just pa.s.sing on this information… just might not be good enough.'
There was another thought on Kai's mind as he waited for the phone to answer on the other end. Just what did he mean don't betray his friends? Why would he ever betray Gary?
The files and information given by Rickle had been sent over to Elijah, and Elijah had wasted no time pa.s.sing on the information to Kanu.
Currently, Kanu was at the local police headquarters in the city. He was keeping an eye on them in case any information that came in was hidden from their eyes.
He had already caught a couple of things: files indicating movement from the One Gang in certain areas, but it was nothing serious that Kanu could use.
When Elijah handed everything over, the smile couldn't stop appearing on Kanu's face.
"They did it, I didn't think they could do it, but they gave us enough information that can bring down the One Gang and a large part of NIRV as well!"
After Kanu pa.s.sed on the information, all he could do was wait for a response from White Rose.
He was imagining them sending in support, large squads and more, to first hit the corruption inside NIRV and then go to the One Gang.
Instead though, Kanu had received a call to head back to the White Rose headquarters.
In the large surrounded walls of the White Rose Base in Centerfield, Kanu had a dissatisfied look just before he walked in.
"Why do I get the feeling that them calling me here isn't a good sign," Kanu sighed. "If this doesn't get White Rose to move, then nothing will."
When going through the front doors of the main building, Kanu was surprised to see a large man in black and red outfit—the Superintendent Adam Law.
"What are you doing here, sir?" Kanu respectfully asked and gave a salute.
Now that Kanu was in the Internal Affairs Division, the Superintendent was the top-ranked official in his department.
"I'm here to mediate the meeting today, since it's with the Chief Constable himself."
An operation on this scale—of course the Chief Constable would have to get involved, but then why was he, a low-ranking member, being called?
Heading into the elevator, they had gone to the top floor. Entering the office, a large round table used for meetings was there, and the Chief Constable Don Tinge, the man at the top of the entirety of the White Rose, was present.
He wasn't alone either, as two more were by his side.
Deputy Chief Theodore Tallsworth, who was a practical giant even among all the large people in the room.
And a.s.sistant Chief Constable Leon Chen with his black hair and sitting on his face.
"Firstly, I would like to thank you for making so much corruption within the White Rose come to light, Kanu, you are a valuable member to the White Rose," Don Tinge spoke.
"It's a shame that you have been snapped up by the Superintendent, but it is what it is, and we need good people there as well."
Adam didn't say anything about the comment and just had his arms folded as he sat at the table.
Although both were part of White Rose, in a way Adam and Don both had equal power within the organization, and Kanu felt like he was in the middle of it.
Don placed his hands on a thick stack of paper.
"The report you gave is invaluable to us. Never have I seen such detail giving us everything we need to apprehend parts of NIRV and the One Gang.”
"Which is why I have to ask, where did you get this information?"
Kanu was hesitant to answer; he hadn't received it himself but did it matter? When they put Gary in the prison, they hadn't tried to confirm the information back then either.
All they had to do was give Rickle Epman a call to confirm these facts or use their authority to contact the banks and other services.
"I'll take your silence as the answer," Don said. "Before we do anything, we would like to ask for a meeting between us and The Howlers Corporation, in particular Gary Dem."y, I tend to reply back.