Two veins were rising on the top of Berry’s head after hearing the comments, and strange darkened blue scales grew past her fist and slightly went above her wrists, but it was the only visible change in her appearance.
“I thought the Howlers were all filled with goody two-shoes,” Berry said as she started to pound her fist into the palm of her hand. Each time, a small explosion was heard like a firecracker, accompanied by a small puff of smoke.
“I was starting to think you guys didn’t actually have roots of a gang, but it looks like I might have been wrong after all.”
Olivia wasted no time. She started to transform back into her Apex Predator Cla.s.s Werewolf form. In the middle of her body changing, she swung her whip and it wrapped around Berry’s wrist.
It intertwined, holding on tight, and then with a yank, Olivia had pulled herself forward, and now a werewolf with long limbs was coming right at her.
A long claw extended out, but Berry ducked, avoiding the attack, and even more impressive was that she had jumped in, pus.h.i.+ng herself closer to Olivia.
After avoiding the initial attack, Berry bent her knees and sprung up, delivering an uppercut hitting the werewolf right in the chin.
A large explosion went off, flinging Olivia’s head back, and right after the uppercut, Berry followed up with an overhand strike, hitting her fist right into Olivia’s face.
A large explosion occurred like dynamite going off, sending Olivia back from where she had jumped from, and the whip surrounding Berry’s arm had loosened.
Olivia skidded on the floor, her nails digging into the concrete, and the whip itself tangled up around her forearm, staying in place with the handle of the weapon seemingly disappearing.
Olivia shook her head; the explosions were tough on her, but it wasn’t just the explosions, the hit itself had physically rattled her head as well.
“What, did you think it would be easy to go up against a Zodiac?” Berry said. “Did you think because I was a girl that it would be an easier fight? I earned my position among countless AFC fighters, I know how to fight.”
“Idiot,” Olivia said, as she started to run from the side, keeping her distance. Olivia extended out her nails again, extending them several meters.
Berry had moved to the side, avoiding the hit, and then came rus.h.i.+ng forward again with her fist by her head.
Quickly, Olivia kicked her feet up, allowing her to stay in the air, then with her other hand, she fired several of her nails at Berry.
It was unexpected for Berry, and she had never seen this attack so far. The nails pierced her skin and parts of her body, drawing blood in several areas, but it wasn’t enough to take her out.
While Olivia was in the air, she continued to fire out her nails, and when her other hand retracted, she fired out more, all of them blasting at Berry.
Berry kept her composure and her guard up, blocking the nails, and peeked through her guard. When she saw Olivia finally land, she set off again, charging right in front of her.
The moment she landed on the ground, Berry was there, and she swung her arm wide, delivering a hook right to her ribs. It exploded, but Berry didn’t stop there, as she struck from the other side and continued to attack, explosion after explosion.
The hits were continuing, until in the middle of Berry’s barrage, the whip unraveled itself and tied around both of Berry’s wrists, sticking them together.
Through the smoke, an unnerving smile could be seen. “You think I took it easy on you because you’re a girl?” Olivia said. “Can you not see what I am!”
Olivia, with both of her hands raised and her claws extended, stabbed right into Berry’s legs. When she pulled her hands out, the long claws stayed in Berry’s legs.
They had detached themselves like long swords. They had pierced through Berry’s legs and were stuck in the ground as well.
As an Apex Predator Cla.s.s, Olivia instinctively knew the weakness of Berry, and it was her legs. Even though she mainly used her fists to attack, without movement she was useless and was unable to attack from a far range.
Olivia was ready to slice off Berry’s head, when Berry tapped both of her knuckles together. It was the only thing she could do with the whip around her, and a large explosion went off, filled with smoke, hitting them both.
The whip was seen falling to the ground. When Olivia came to, her head was startled, but it wasn’t just her, she could see it was Berry as well.
“You want to play games then, do you!” Olivia said. “I guess you want to see who’s the bigger b.i.t.c.h between the two of us!”
Olivia went to strike her claws at Berry’s head, but it was. .h.i.t away by a hand. At the same time though, Olivia had stabbed her claws into Berry’s stomach, drawing blood.
Not being able to use her hands, Berry then swung her head, and hardened it with her scales as it landed on Olivia, another large explosion went off, flinging her back.
Berry felt like she was safe for a moment, until she could see, jumping right through the smoke, was the long-limbed werewolf. It had leapt and landed on her body, pinning her to the ground.
Immediately, Olivia started to wildly swing her claws, scratching up and digging into Berry. She swung her arms, hit after hit at her body and other parts.
Berry’s body was reacting, covering the whole thing in scales, but the claws from Olivia were still coming through.
“I can’t believe it,” Berry softly said. “After every fight, and everything I’ve been through… I lost here… like this… I can’t just die like this.” Berry looked at Olivia’s eyes.
And realized there was only one thing she could do. The scales covered her entire body, and when Olivia went for another hit, stabbing her right in the side and seeing blood fill Berry’s mouth, it was a little too late to realize what had happened.
“I guess I was the biggest b.i.t.c.h after all,” Berry said weakly, as her entire body exploded, a large explosion covering the whole area, sweeping up both of them.