With Marie and Park both having gathered their energy back and in condition to move again, they decided it was best for them to scout the area. After all, Marie was worried that she was the first one to wake up, and seeing Park’s condition, she imagined others might be in the same state.
The area was a complete mess, even more so than before. Pinner had perfectly set off his explosion in a way for the debris to fall to the floor to create separate areas, but after their opponents had used their Altered forms to cause a ma.s.s explosion, the entire area was filled with rubble, with even nearby buildings completely destroyed.
“Over there,” Marie said as she sniffed the air, the only thing she could trust in this situation. A large pile of rubble along with cars was present, and the two started to move and s.h.i.+ft things away until they could eventually see a hand holding onto a whip.
Piling off the rest of the rubble, Marie could see the condition that Olvia was in. Several parts of her body had been crushed by the debris. She might have been in an even worse state than her and Park were.
Looking around, it didn’t take long for Marie to find another part, this time a foot. She brought it over to where Olvia was and started the same process as she did with Park.
“Wait a second, is that what you did with me earlier… what you fed me was—?” Park was ready to throw up, but he stopped himself when he saw the look on Marie’s face. It was quite clear she wasn’t enjoying this either.
After the foot had completely gone, Park decided to kneel down by Olvia’s side as Marie went to look for more. Pressing his hand and being next to her, Park could feel a part of his energy going toward her, and he wasn’t imagining it; it looked like she was healing faster as well.
Finally, Olvia had come to. Her body had healed enough so she could move. There was next to no conversation between the others as to what happened, but Olvia did do one thing. She searched for the body that did this mess to her, and in order to gain her energy back, she started to eat away.
Marie and Park didn’t ask any questions. They just let things be until she was done, eventually moving on to their search for the last person. Surprisingly, though, when they moved into the new area,
They could see Kai on his knees, his mouth and head moving up and down, and a body that was lying on the ground in front of him. He got up off the floor and turned around to look at the others. He wiped away the blood from his mouth with the torn sleeve of his jacket.
“We were out too long. The night sky is already out,” Kai mentioned. “We have to hurry to make it to Gary’s fight in time.”
With no vehicles around them and the road blocked off, the group only had one solution. They had to run. Their bodies were energized; they were healed back to the way they were, and each of them was running directly toward the city they needed to be at.
They didn’t have to follow the path of the highway, and no longer did they care if people saw them in their werewolf forms or not. They didn’t talk to each other because they were focused on only one thing, and that was getting to the stadium.
When entering the city, the four of them didn’t slow down. They kept on running right up ahead, and only when they reached the car park and landed did they cancel their transformations.
There was next to no one on the outside of the stadium because everyone was already inside watching the ongoing fights and the one that was meant to be. Kai, with the others behind him, continued to walk until they had reached the two guards that were standing by the main doorway.
“Hey, what do you guys think you’re doing? No one without a ticket is entering inside,” the guard said, and he looked the others up and down. Their clothing was mostly burnt and torn apart.
The group looked homeless with the way they were dressed.
“We have tickets…” Kai went to reach into his inner pocket, which was now nonexistent. “Don’t you have some type of facial recognition software or something?”
The guard started to wave his hand at Kai, telling him to go away. As Kai saw the hand waving him off, he grabbed it, tensed hard, and several cracking sounds were heard.
The man screamed in pain, and Kai grabbed the man’s face and then threw him right into the other.
“We don’t have time for this. We’re coming in no matter what!”
The last event was ready to be announced. Everyone was ready, sitting in their seats. The stage was clear and in perfect condition, and the announcer stood in the center of the ring.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, it is the big event, the match you have all been waiting for, the CLASH OF KINGS!”
The crowd cheered in antic.i.p.ation, the whole arena shaking. Loud noises could be heard relatively far from outside, and those that weren’t in the ring were watching it on TV, on their phones, or some other location.
“First introducing our challenger for tonight, who has risen out of nowhere, climbing his way to the top. Can he take the crown of the AFC King tonight? Let’s give it up for the GREEN FANG, GAAARRRY DEM!”
Loud cheers erupted once more, and a spotlight was seen on one area of the ring. Standing just behind him was still Daphne Bree, who would be in his corner. As the spotlight hit Gary, in his black and gold trunks, he walked down the walkway with his chiseled body on display.
He looked out toward the crowd.
‘They’re still not here… I can’t see any of them.’
Among those, not Tom, not his family members, not his closest friends. None of them were here for this big moment, this moment which meant a lot to him, that had more on the line than everyone who was watching in the crowd realized.
Now there was more on his mind as he made his way to the ring and stepped inside.
“Now introducing the one and only, a man who needs no introduction, the King of the AFC, HARVOOOOR EGOOOO!”
The light lit up to the other side, and flames exploded as Harvor jumped right through the fire, sliding across the ground. He waved his hand in the air to the crowd and eventually jumped into the ring, and had a big smile looking directly at Gary.
It was time. The ref would just explain a few instructions, and then the bell would ring.
‘Harvor… Harvor… I have to focus on Harvor!’ Gary thought.
A loud scream echoed across the whole stadium. Those in the crowd turned to look, and so did Gary and Harvor. Looking up at the banister at the very top, Gary could see a blond-haired man and a group of people behind him.
“Kai…” Gary whispered.
“WE’RE HERE!” Kai shouted at the top of his lungs, spit coming out of his mouth. “WE’RE HERE TO WATCH YOU KICK HARVOR’S a.r.s.e!”