The night sky was out covering the whole city. With it being a fairly large city, various places were still lit up with LEDs on the outside of buildings, some displaying various advertis.e.m.e.nts or just signs of what the type of buildings were in the city to begin with.
But, on the outskirts of the city, in mostly an open field that was at the edge of a forest, there were no sparkling LEDs that were lit up. Instead, there were several large white floodlights located out on the concrete ground.
The floodlights were based in front of a large metallic building which from the outside just looked like a warehouse. There were a few of these large metallic buildings spread around the area, but there was one that was larger than the others, and had a large number of people stationed on the outside, all dressed in purple and white clothing.
At the edge of the forest, a few meters away from the very last trees, there were two people who were taking a peek at the location once in a while.
“I’m guessing we can be pretty sure that Xin or someone is inside,” Elijah said. “We’ve been here for a while, and when those guys had dinner brought to them, there was another one that was bought an hour later and headed inside the place.”
“We were already sure anyway… but with so many people, we can do this right?”
Elijah looked over at Ice, although he was large in size, Elijah had no clue how strong this man was that was from the Howlers. He had tried to check his report, of when Ice was a prisoner in the White Rose, but even then there wasn’t a lot of information available.
The One Gang, one of the King’s, and there were at least twenty trained AFC fighters that were located on the outside, with just the four of them, Elijah would be lying if he wasn’t a little worried, especially since the man next to him hadn’t said a word.
A few meters back from them, there were both Austin and Kanu who were sitting down, having made some sort of camp with each other. Austin had his hand on the screen, waiting for the fight between Gary and Harvor to start.
“You seem to be frustrated, looking at the phone will only worry more. I set up my phone to ping me a notification when the fight starts so we’ll know when to go in,” Kanu replied.
Austin ignored Kanu’s advice and was still looking at the phone, waiting for Gary to walk out. He wished he could be by his side at least, and who knew if he was needed.
“The only reason why I’m acting like this is because the White Rose can’t do their job properly,” Austin replied back. “I don’t know if this Chen person is strong enough to help Gary, and I’m stuck here...”
Austin paused because he didn’t want to say too much. He wanted to help Xin, the two of them had even fought side by side with each other before, and without the two of them maybe they would have never been able to survive the last fight against the Phoenix Gang.
However, Xin had done this to herself. She had been caught by Harvor, and had made the situation worse for Gary, to the point where he was here now. And that was extremely frustrating for him.
“Usually I would agree with you, I don’t have much hope in the White Rose myself, and I’m embarra.s.sed it got to this situation,” Kanu replied. “But believe me when I say this. They sent out a competent person this time.”
“The White Rose has strength even greater than that of the Kings. The only thing is, it’s not greater than multiple of the Kings. Fighting one would weaken our strength, and leave a chance for the balance to be broken.”
“The reasons we have such strength, one of them is because of Chen. The only reason why he’s in his position in the first place is because of his strength. Gary has the best support along with him…”
Kanu wanted to say something else, but refrained from saying it. Gary only had the best support as long as Chen was willing to help him. Chen was also part of the reason why the White Rose had refused to act.
Chen was a special person who also decided which projects to take on or not. There had been times in the past where it would have been favorable for them to take on a tier 2 gang, or even one of the Kings at one point.
Yet, that would only be the case if they could get Chen on board, but if Chen didn’t see a way to win, or more to gain, he wouldn’t take part, and for some reason, Chen had decided to take part.
It gave them hope, but at any point in time Kanu imagined Chen abandoning them all at a crucial time. He was a White Rose member, he was not a member of the Howlers.
“When Xin’s rescued I’m sending a message to Kai, he should be able to update Gary on the situation and then he’ll have no worry at all,” Austin said. “If Xin is okay I’m sure Gary can do something.”
“As for your friend Chen. So he’s that strong then, he must have some serious Altered form in him..” Austin joked. “What mythical beast is he, for him to be so highly ranked.”
“His Altered form, it’s..”
Before Kanu could answer, Austin's eyes had caught on the screen, Gary was entering the ring, and a loud shout had occurred off-screen. He saw the camera panning to Kai in that instant.
Everything seemed good, and any second the bell would ring.
“You won’t be able to watch him fight,” Kanu said standing up. “We have a job to do as well, it’s time for us four to move.”