Regressor Instruction Manual

Chapter 1024: Cleanup (7)

They'd be idiots if they were to refuse to change their att.i.tudes here.

“I-I see. I just…” Master Goodman paused.


“I… made a mistake, Father Lee Ki-Young,” Master Goodman said.

‘Give someone an inch, and they’ll take a mile.’

“I’m… really sorry. I don’t know what to say…” Master Goodman mumbled.

“It’s fine, Master Goodman. Did that… answer your question? If you have any more questions—”

“No, I don’t want to keep being rude, and I’m actually embarra.s.sed. I-I can’t believe I forgot to consider your achievements, Father,” Master Goodman interrupted.

‘At least you have a brain. I'll rate you sixty out of a hundred points. I won’t forget you.’

“I’m… really, really sorry, Father,” Master Goodman said.

“You don’t have to apologize so much, Master Goodman. If… there are no other objections, Draktaris’ Staff and Bahamut’s s.h.i.+eld will be distributed to the Blue Guild,” I announced.

They couldn’t say anything. The people in the same group as the fish looked as if they wanted to say something, but they didn’t want to repeat Master Goodman's mistake.

‘I did more than enough to take care of you guys. Don’t you agree?’

I felt like they were thinking about a way to negotiate once the rewards were distributed, but there was no way they could do that here.

They couldn't say anything about the Mythic items that would be distributed to my guild, and it was all because of my achievements.

They had no right to stop me, and they also had no right to question why I wanted the Mythic items. They could force it and ask me, but I could easily stop them in their tracks by acting as if I couldn't tell them to protect my image. Anyway, I was relieved.

‘They must be thinking that the word 'sacrifice' is the only word in my dictionary because I’ve been doing nothing but making sacrifices all this while.’

I wanted to show them…

‘I want to show them that I have wants and needs as well.’

It was actually funny how they had forgotten my achievements in the reward distribution.

Considering my actions upon descending to this continent as the Saint of Light, it was understandable that they’d misunderstand, but…

‘It’s a shame there are so many people who only think about themselves.’

I was thankful for the people who were looking at me with a puzzled look, like Master Goodman. Those people hadn't done anything wrong. They were just surprised by my unexpected actions, as I had always given up my share of the reward until now.

I couldn't feel any hostility from them.

The problem was the ungrateful ones. I was talking about the rude b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who looked like they were questioning my decision. They looked like I couldn't understand their position, and they also looked disappointed in me.

‘They really are shameless.’

The people here were influential people.

Of course, it was undeniable that the adventurers of the Federation and the Union were weak compared to the Sacred Democratic Country, but they were considered strong within their respective groups.

If anything, the average stats of these Adventurers were low…

‘But they’re probably living like kings in the small cities.’

Guilds like the three major guilds of Lindel were incredibly rare. There weren't any guilds like them that could help each other and move forward together. Free cities had a guild or clan that represented their city, and obviously, they had absolute power in their city.

It was highly likely that these people had gotten a taste of sweet power… in their tiny city.

‘I wouldn’t have said anything if you had used those sweet powers to set an example.’

I had never received a report saying a saint or saintess had appeared in the Federation or in the Union. People like them were usually known by names like Saint of the Abandoned. I had never heard of a story about people saving the underprivileged by sacrificing themselves or any heartwarming story.

‘People like you are the worst. Forcing others to give in when you haven’t given anything up yourself.’

They were trying to make progressive movements in their own way. They were also doing welfare work, but I was sure that what they were doing wasn’t anything impressive.

‘I’ll acknowledge you guys if you do half as much as I do.’

“Also…” I paused.

“Yes, Father Lee Ki-Young?”

“I would like to ask for your understanding in advance…” I paused again.


“How about… letting the Federation… clean up the dungeon alone? I would like the Federation to take care… of the maintenance afterward, too,” I suggested.



“Of course… the Continental Protection Management Committee and the Heretic Inquisitors will supervise them,” I added.

“Keugh… Are you suggesting that we hand this over to the company in the Federation?” one of the members asked.

“That’s right,” I replied.

‘I really did my best within my power. How much more can I give up?’

The one who spoke just now was the guy sitting on Jin Cheong's left.

I couldn't remember his name, but he was known to be Jin Cheong’s adjutant. Seeing that he had spoken so brazenly without Commander Jin’s permission meant that he was a trustworthy individual.

“I’m sorry… but can I tell you my honest opinion?” he asked.

“Sure,” I answered.

“Before I begin… I would like to say that I have no intention of belittling the Federation,” he said.


“I know that Father Lee Ki-Young made that suggestion out of the kindness… of his heart, but personally—Ahem, personally… I’m worried about whether the Federation can handle that job. As you all know, the Federation is well…” he paused.

‘He’s right.’

“The Mole Saint’s Cozy Sanctuary isn’t an ordinary dungeon, so I believe that through enough discussions and meetings…”

This wasn’t an ordinary job. As he said, if it were a small dungeon, it wouldn’t matter who'd the cleanup duty, but the Underground Temple was basically like a big city. It was questionable if the Federation had the manpower and resources to do that.

He said that he had no intentions of belittling the Federation, but he was obviously belittling them. From a third party’s point of view, these people were probably disgusted by the Federation.

The Federation lacked skills and manpower, and their performance was not exactly noteworthy. They also hadn't provided any decent resources. I was sure people were annoyed because they were profiting for free because the nice and innocent honorary cardinal took pity on them.

‘Yeah, this is basically a business.’

We were talking about cleaning up a dungeon as big as a large city. Actually, it could be bigger than a large city. I was basically giving them a large-scale city project or a national project without any conditions.

‘This is how you create jobs.’

A specialized company alone would not be enough, so they’d start hiring people, and the Sacred Democratic Country would pay them for their services. The payment would go straight to the safe of the big and small cities in the Federation.

The Federation’s economy would improve by leaps and bounds. If they ended up finding items while taking care of the dungeon, they’d talk about their contribution or whatever and claim owners.h.i.+p of some of the items.

The Federation was short on gold, so their people had to take on mercenary work to feed the nation. My words just now were basically declaring them to be the winners of a jackpot, and the pot was even sweeter because they were also responsible for the maintenance of the dungeon.

The figures from the Sacred Democratic Country looked uncomfortable. The mid-sized guilds looked disappointed because they were aiming to take this business for themselves, but they couldn’t express their disappointment before me.

“I-If you leave it to us… we’ll do our best!”

The man who stood up and bowed was a middle-aged man with a beard rather than the fish who spouted nonsense at the beginning of the meeting.

“We’ll show you that we can do it,” he added.

The people around him stood up and bowed as well.

“We’ll show you that we can do it, Father Lee Ki-Young! If you… leave it to us…”

‘That's the reaction that I'm hoping for.’

Despite standing up and bowing towards me, they looked nervous because the others could disapprove of my suggestion. That was why they decided to say something as soon as possible. There was no way they'd let go of this opportunity, as this was the only way for their nation to thrive.

“Please lift your head. We need the approval of the others…” I said.

“We… We beg you,” the middle-aged man said.

“What should we—”

“Please, Father Lee Ki-Young!” he shouted.

‘It doesn’t even take a minute to make someone loyal to you. He’s already loyal to me.’

I had no choice but to look at Jin Cheong.

I was looking at him as if I were asking him to agree with me.

“I agree,” Jin Cheong said, raising his hand.

“It’s a great idea, Father. If they lack manpower and resources, the Union of Others will provide support,” said Elias, nodding calmly. He agreed with me because he wanted to get close to me.

Their words meant that the majority was basically agreeing with my suggestion.

“The Red Mercenary Guild…”

“The Black Swan Guild also agrees with the Blue Guild,” Park Yeon-Joo said.


I’m touched.


“I also ask that you do your best, everyone,” I said, standing up.

The Saint of Sacrifice and Revival then asked for their understanding.

I managed to convince them using their emotions, but I didn't really need to convince them. I had people I could rely on, after all.

The people who voted yes here wouldn't profit right away, but the honorary cardinal of the Democratic Country, the symbol of the continent, and the Sub Guild Master of the Blue Guild would owe them a favor.

I believed there were some people here who thought that this was better than cleaning up the dungeon. After all, I wasn’t someone who'd forget the kindness of other people, and I'd always return kindness in kind.

“F-Father Lee Ki-Young…”

“Please do your best, everyone,” I said.

“Well… since you said it like that…” the middle-aged man mumbled.

“As a member of the Democratic Country… we have no choice but to follow your orders,” said someone else in his camp.

“This is for the Federation.”

Some people said things that they didn’t even mean…


There were some who sighed as if they had no other choice…

“If that is your wish… we’ll follow.”

Overall, I felt like the issue was handled beautifully. Of course, the details would still be discussed later.

I noticed some influential figures approaching the members of the Federation to try to get a slice of the pie. I had no intention of stopping them from getting help or hiring subcontractors. How they were going to approach the clean-up was all up to them.

“Thank you, thank you, Father Lee Ki-Young," said the bearded bandit while crying.

I didn't expect that a man of his age would cry so easily.

“Thank you.”

His comrades weren’t all that different.

The fish looked at me as if he had made a decision.

“Father Lee Ki-Young…” said the fish.

“Ah, yes, Mr. Squiat?” I answered.

“Do you… have a moment?” the fish asked.

“Excuse me?”

“There's something I have to tell you,” he said.



“I only need a moment… It’s very important, Father,” he added.

“I-It should be fine if it’s only for a moment…” I said.


“Mr. Squiat,” I said.




“Do you know how to play chess?” I asked.