Regressor Instruction Manual

Chapter 1030: Cleanup (13)

It sounded like an innocent question, and I obviously hadn't asked that question to speak ill of the people here.

I spoke in a delighted way, or at least, that was how I felt.

How could I not be happy when so many people had come here to help the struggling Federation? I was moved upon seeing the senators of the Federation and those with power sweating together with the workers here.

However, the touching moment didn’t last long.

The bearded bandit looked embarra.s.sed.

Actually, it was more like he had no idea what to say. I was sure he didn’t want to show the bad side of the Federation, so he felt the need to say something, but nothing came to his mind.

He also couldn’t give a reasonable excuse, so he could only say, "The… senators have given us material and emotional support…"


“They provided support to the workers… and…” Gregory paused.

'They provided full support? Where?'

Gregory seemed to have realized that he had made a mistake.

“I mean, they did provide their full support. We just haven’t… received… I mean, we’re going to receive their support soon…” Gregory mumbled.


“Ah, they helped with many of the legal procedures,” Gregory added.

“Ah, the legal procedures. What exactly were those procedures?” I asked.

That’s when one of the senators joined the conversation.

“Hahaha. It looks like Master Gregory isn’t aware of the details yet. There are visa issues whenever workers from the Sacred Democratic Country enter the Federation and vice-versa. The committee is in the middle of talking about resolving those issues.”

“I see,” I said.

“The laws of the Federation vary slightly depending on the region, which is why the administrative process is a bit complicated. As you already know, the guilds of the Federation are the ones who have received the task of cleaning up the dungeon.

"However, each guild is subject to the laws of their respective regions, so there are many things to handle,” said one of the senators.


“If the task was a.s.signed to… the Central Government of the Federation…” he trailed off.

‘He’s crazy.’

'Why would I a.s.sign the task to you guys? It’s not like you partic.i.p.ated in the dungeon raid. To make things worse, you guys have no shame. How come this guy still has the face to jump into the conversation when I'm obviously humiliating them?'

The Democratic Country had commissioned the guilds in the Federation, not the government. As he said, there were many things to handle. Almost all the guilds in the Federation had decided to partic.i.p.ate in this task, but even that wasn’t enough manpower, so the guilds had to recruit the denizens as temporary workers.

There were also various legal issues that had to be dealt with. I wasn’t familiar with the laws here, but if the laws vary by region, then it was not strange for things to come to a crawl.

‘I think I have a rough idea as to why the workplace is like this.’

Even if they had a meeting with the guilds and the companies, it would not be enough. They also had meetings with the senators and talked about various things, so they had not been able to set up a proper camp.

‘People don’t know the trick to get things done.’

If one had an opportunity before them, one had to quickly grab that opportunity, even if it meant changing the laws and procedures. If one were to talk about needing to do this and that, this was under this jurisdiction, and that was under that jurisdiction, one would never get anything done.

I was wondering why the team here was so tiny.

'd.a.m.n, I’m sure the guilds here are really frustrated.'

I finally understood why the bearded bandit had been going around without an adjutant.

I was sure the administrative staffers of his guild were running around busily.

‘Five days is not enough, so they must have decided to prioritize some places.’

In the end, I had to say something.

“I’m sorry, everyone. This task is the reward I had decided to give to the guild members and mercenaries of the Federation for partic.i.p.ating in the expedition. I think it's going to be difficult… to a.s.sign this task to the central government.”

“I see. Haha. Anyway, thanks to you, the denizens are energetic once again. The economies of the cities are thriving along with companies related to expeditions. Hahaha. There are so many changes that I think the old Federation has disappeared,” said one of the senators.

‘I’m glad you feel that way. You need to use your powers a little more in the future—”

“Hahaha, of course we will. We’re already thinking about transforming the dungeon into a religious sanctuary,” he interrupted me.

‘Then do something.’


“How about we move somewhere else?” he suggested.

‘These mosquitoes. I really want to get rid of them all at once.’

They were the reasons my pure intentions were being distorted.

I just wanted to spend some time with the workers, but I probably looked like a manager who had come here to nag the workers, and it was all because they showed up here.

To make things worse, the senators had come here with their own adjutants and were talking to them.

“There should be a more systematic way of visiting the dungeon. How many warp gates have been installed so far?”

“It’s rea.s.suring to see the denizens helping with the task, Master Gregory. Do you have a moment to talk?”

“Come to think of it; I still haven't heard about the companies that are going to provide us with the materials that we need for this task. Which company did you sign a contract with?”

I wasn’t sure whether they wanted to take some of the credit or just nag at them.

Obviously, they hadn't come here just to chat leisurely about the task.

They had mentioned that this project was boosting the Federation’s economy, so I could a.s.sume that the guilds who partic.i.p.ated in the expedition were in charge here. I was not sure about the denizens, but I was sure they wouldn't earn that much.

‘Still, I’m sure you guys will profit a lot.’

The city would become lively. Once this was over, people would go on more expeditions. If one were to look at the overall picture, the development of the Federation would help those who were living off of the Federation's profits.

‘To be honest, it’s not like your pay is going to increase, so I’m sure there’s something else you want here.’

They definitely hadn't come here just to show their faces.

For some reason, the senators started talking cautiously.





“To be honest… I’m sure many denizens are grateful for what you and the Continental Protection Management Committee have done for us.

"The Federation was excluded in many of the events that happened on the continent, so the denizens definitely felt left out so far,” a senator said.

All I did was smile.

“I’m sure they feel comforted/… you’re taking care of them, after all. We feel the same as them,” he added.

‘This is a nice buildup.’

“To expand off that, there’s something I'd like to say. We have a few… business ideas that you might be interested in for the sake of the denizens.

"We’re trying to run a charity organization in the Federation… and we’re planning on hosting a party for the underprivileged. Ahem, the party will be held in two weeks… and we thought you might be interested in it,” he explained.

‘Charity party, my a.s.s.’

“When you say a charity party…”

‘Why are you guys hosting a party when you aren't even a part of the underprivileged? They're the ones who are struggling out there…'

“We’ve planned many things… such as holding an auction and a fundraiser. If you attend, I’m sure the denizens will be touched,” he answered.

“Ah, and I’d like to talk to you about the business ideas I just mentioned…” he added.

They were so evil that simply calling them "evil" wasn’t enough.

Hadn't we gotten rid of all the jerks in the Federation? I thought we had gotten rid of all the jerks trying to taint my innocence. Had they not left a will to their successor before heading to the afterlife?

‘Is there really a law of constant jerks? When you get rid of one jerk, another jerk must appear to fill that spot?’

It was absurd, but they had decided to take advantage of this opportunity to hear some answers from me. It seemed like I was giving too much, but they had to have heard a rumor that I was going to start a restoration project here.

I got the feeling that they wanted to advertise their companies to me while keeping an eye on the restoration project. That was all I could extrapolate from what was happening right now.

The dungeon cleanup project, the support fund for the small to mid-sized clans, and Squiat's adventurer support fund—they thought that I was being extremely generous by creating these programs, and they a.s.sumed that it was their time to s.h.i.+ne.

They were trying to make me invest more, as I was already investing in them anyway.

"And about the Blue Guild's potion businesses…”

“Father Lee Ki-Young, what do you think about this?”

“I have an idea about how we can improve the Federation's condition…”

“I’m sure this idea will surprise you. May I ask whether there's an idea that caught your interest among the ones that we just presented to you?”

“...” “Father Lee Ki-Young!”

“Father Lee Ki-Young… this one as well.”

“Father Lee Ki-Young!”


. Father Lee Ki-Young, what do you think about this?”

“Father Lee Ki-Young! This is really great! Haha!”

I forced myself to smile.


I started supporting the Federation out of the goodness of my heart, but these mosquitoes were making me look bad.

The saint of the continent was struggling due to these mosquitoes.

I looked pitiful, as I could not do anything other than smile amidst the vortex of unwanted attention.

I was clearly smiling, but my eyes were filled with disappointment and disgust.

I was so disappointed and disgusted with them that I was in pain.

The honorary cardinal had the heartbreaking fate of being required to love everything and everyone on the continent, so the feeling of disappointment was not a familiar feeling for me at all.

‘It’s really hard.’

I was getting tired.

‘It’s really… really painful.’

'This isn’t what I wanted…'

‘It’s really difficult.’

My vision was getting blurry, and the people around me suddenly looked like monsters filled with desires. Despite the fact that I was starting to feel out of breath, I continued smiling.

Yes, I continued smiling even though I was struggling beneath the desires and greed of these people.

‘I don’t know what to do. Someone… anyone… help me…’

'Someone… someone…'

And that wa when Squiat, who had been quietly looking for an opportunity, turned toward the senators and said. “Everyone, please—”

However, Squiat could not finish his sentence, as the bearded bandit had appeared in front of me, beating Squiat to the chase.

The bearded bandit looked like a giant mountain.

He looked so reliable in my eyes.

“Father Lee Ki-Young looks tired,” Gregory said.

“M-Mr. Gregory, I…”

“Father Lee Ki-Young looks tired,” Gregory repeated.

“Haha… Master Gregory, what are you—”

“Father. Lee Ki-Young. Looks. Tired,” Gregory repeated again.

The Saint of Light couldn’t do anything other than grab the sleeve of my savior, the bearded bandit.

“I’m sorry, but you should stop here. This is unscheduled, and we have important work to do here. Father Lee Ki-Young and I also have things that we need to discuss privately, so I’d appreciate it if all of you would leave for today,” Gregory explained.

“Master Gregory, you’re being rude,” a senator said.

“We’re having a discussion with Father Lee Ki-Young right now! What do you think you’re doing?!” another senator yelled.

And that was when Gregory said in a deep voice, “I said. There’s something. I need to discuss. With him.”

Gregory’s voice sounded so deadly that I was worried about the possibility that he was being hostile toward them. I grabbed Gregory's sleeve tightly while hiding behind him.

I glanced at Squiat and saw that his bloodshot eyes were filled with despair.

He looked as if he had been stabbed in the back.

‘I’m sorry, Squiat. I’m an investor who can’t live without a strong and reliable agent.’