The temperature steadily dropped again.
A sense of dread filled Charlotte, Rais.h.i.+n, and Frey. They were sweating from the tense atmosphere.
The strongest student in the history of the academy, Magnus the Marshal.
And, a newcomer student who once briefly suppressed Magnus. He is the student with the power to beat Felix, Wu Yan.
These two are students who are far stronger than other Rounds and they're also users of multiple automata.
They're both prime candidates for the Satan t.i.tle.
Who wouldn't be tense when these two are about to duke it out?
Frey, Rais.h.i.+n, Charlotte, Yaya, Sigmund, and the Garm dogs were afraid that they might trigger the fight if they moved slightly.
The four dolls with Magnus formed a formation around Magnus.
They had different kanji characters on their cloth masks.
Fire, Scythe, Jewel, and Bug.
This is not his full squad.
Fire hammer, Cutting scythe, jeweled insect, and graceful dragonfly.
Fire Hammer had red daggers, Scythe had a red scythe, Jewel Insect had a red arming sword while Dragonfly had a red battle axe.
The four automata got into a stance. Their hostilities pierced their masks.
Wu Yan frowned.
Magnus had 6 automata.
However, two are not here.
Wu Yan a.n.a.lyzed it in 3 seconds.
"You left two dolls with the princ.i.p.al."
The automata around him tensed up.
Magnus replied honestly.
"Just a precaution."
"What does this mean?"
Wu Yan asked him with a grin.
"You think you can subjugate me with 4 dolls?"
The air was static with animosity.
Magnus is the guard, he knew Wu Yan would be coming after the princ.i.p.al.
Even so, he still left 2 with the princ.i.p.al while bringing only four dolls with him. It would seem that he thinks this is enough.
Magnus replied again.
"It matters not."
"That guy..."
Charlotte, Frey, and Rais.h.i.+n turned slightly dark.
Wu Yan sighed.
Wu Yan released the Aegis sealing the three controllers. He also unleashed Sigmund, Yaya, and the Garm dogs.
The three immediately regrouped while the chains and Aegis disappeared.
"It is only fair that I fight with only 4 dolls."
Wu Yan chuckled.
"Plus, it's time I let my partners have some thrilling fights."
A pure mana ring appeared around him. Then, jets of mana went into his partners.
It isn't a powerful surge like before but the mana is so dense it solidified.
It isn't magnificent when viewed from a distance. However, the quality of his mana rose.
Magnus can sense this so he immediately injected mana into his automata too.
The four automata disappeared in a flash.
Charlotte, Frey, and Rais.h.i.+n couldn't believe their eyes. While they were busy regrouping, Magnus ordered his four automata to gank Wu Yan.
Leaving Wu Yan with no escape, the four automata attacked at the same time. They disregarded Natsuki who was nearby.
Magnus wanted to take down the controller.
This is illegal in the duel.
However, in real fights, this is just normal tactics.
Automata are more durable than meat bags Puppeteers.
Automata will also lose functions the moment the controller is killed.
A blitzkrieg on Wu Yan is his best chance.
But, Wu Yan isn't your average fighter.
The four automata hit Wu Yan but their weapons bounced off with metallic clangs.
They struck hard, and the wind from their attacks blew their masks upwards, revealing their shocked looks.
Wu Yan was protected by a translucent barrier.
The four automata saw Wu Yan's grinning mien.
In an instant, a laser sword pierced through the air and aimed for Magnus' throat.