The dark wave of anguished ones crashed into the barrier like a tidal wave. The Aegis was covered in no time at all.
Soon, the wave of spirits started to eat into the barrier.
The ladies gasped while Wu Yan flinched.
Ikaros' Aegis is being eroded?
No, corruption.
This attack had corruption attributes.
Ikaros' barrier started melting away.
This isn't easy to do.
After all, Aegis had high defensive abilities.
It can easily block nukes.
Ever since their descent into this realm, they have never seen the barrier being destroyed like this.
Charlotte could erase the barrier because of her Gram which contained the principle of destruction.
Magnus could deactivate Aegis because she absorbed the energy making up the barrier.
In any case, the two attacks didn't directly mitigate the barrier.
Ishtar's wave of spirits could corrupt Aegis' barrier.
If it was just normal corruption, it still wouldn't be able to melt her barrier like this.
Avrora and Astrea were glad they didn't try to take on the wave with their bare hands. Wu Yan, Natsuki, and Ikaros also grimaced.
Kanon is a bit disgusted with the wave of spirits.
She wasn't afraid of it.
Her ability is the counter to impure and corrupted things.
She can purify them.
Natsuki asked Wu Yan if it was okay to use Kanon's ability here.
Wu Yan told her to keep that card at hand.
"We will wait and see."
Natsuki nodded.
Aegis' barrier finally shattered.
Natsuki teleported everyone away.
The wave of spirits engulfed the area they stood in like muck.
The ground melt away to form a crater meters deep that had black smoke coming out of it.
Astrea winced when a stray spirit hit one of her feathers.
Her feather burned and melted away. The corruption also spread to nearby feathers.
"Master! Master!"
Astrea panicked.
Wu Yan gave Kanon mana.
Kanon's holy light covered Astrea's corrupted feathers.
The corruption slowed and disappeared.
Then, Kanon healed Astrea's wing to return it to what it once was.
Ishtar gasped when the damage was undone.
The nodded.
"Ah, right, that white-haired automaton had high healing capabilities."
"Healing, eh?"
Ishtar grinned.
"Okay, let's see you heal when I devour you all at once!"
Ishtar raised her hand as more spirits poured forth. They pounced on Wu Yan & co.
Wu Yan closed his eyes as the wave of spirits encroached.
He unleashed a storm of mana as he stood between the ladies and the wave of spirits.
Even Ishtar couldn't believe this.
The also didn't expect Wu Yan to cover for his dolls. Is he trying to commit suicide?
Wu Yan's mana storm took on a new nature.
It turned into a dark mist of dense mana. It swirled like a tornado barrier that covered Wu Yan & co.
The spirits collided against the dark tornado of mana.
The and Ishtar was greeted by a weird sight.
Wu Yan reflected the spirits back.
Wu Yan said.
Ikaros summoned Aegis to cover Ishtar and the It caged the two fighters as Natsuki waved her fan.
Inside the cage Aegis, portals appeared as Chains of Commandment shot out to whip the
Ishtar raised her hand as her spirits devoured the chains around them.
Then, the air took on a bluish-white hue, the temperature dropped like a stone dropped into a well.