Sakjuya, Patchouli, and Remilia busted their backs trying to find Flan, worried that she might cause chaos elsewhere outside the mansion.
Also, they wanted to know why she wasn't afraid of flowing water or sunlight.
She is a normal vampire like Remilia, they share the same weaknesses.
Patchouli would usually cause a huge rain outside to force Flan to stay within the mansion.
However, this skill had no effect this time. How could the trio not be shocked?
And, Flan's stability is also another question mark for them.
Flan has always had a screw loose in the past. She would play overboard and cause destruction and mayhem.
Those who played with her ended up being destroyed or scarred for life.
This is why they locked her in the bas.e.m.e.nt.
However, they could see that Flan was no longer the psychotic princess they knew.
Flan isn't a lunatic who forced her captives to play until death with her.
She looked like a lost child in this village of humans.
They were worried she might start a killing spree here.
Also, this huge change happened in less than a day.
How could she change so much in such a short span of time?
Did she stumble on something in the bas.e.m.e.nt?
Why isn't she going ballistic?
Remilia is also surprised by her growth.
If she could keep this up then the two sister could live a proper life without needing Remilia to act as her warden.
Sakuya also smiled when this dawned upon her.
Patchouli probed her.
"Imouto-sama, are you not going to play with people?"
Sakuya and Remilia held their breaths.
Flan lit up but she held herself back.
"I want to play but I need to find Onii-chan first."
They gasped.
Who is this onii-chan?
The shop owner raised his hand.
"You ladies still want the cake?"
"I want it!"
Flan grabbed the cake before pa.s.sing a gold coin to the owner.
"Here, money!"
The shop owner couldn't believe his eyes. A real gold coin.
Patchouli, Remilia, and Sakuya were also bewildered.
A gold coin?
Where did she get this?
Rather, where did she learn to buy things with money?
"Little miss..."
The shop owner pa.s.sed the coin back in a panic.
"I don't think I have enough change for this."
The gold coin was worth buying a whole month's supply from the owner with leftover change.
How could he find the chance to pay her back?
Flan looked at the cake in her hand.
"But I only have gold coins and I am hungry."
"I mean..."
The shop owner sighed.
"Okay, fine, the cake is a gift, it's on the house, little miss!"
Flan lit up like a flower fairy.
"Thank you!"
The shop owner also laughed out loud.
Flan sneaked one last glance at the trio before making a run for it.
Remilia gasped.
"After her!"
Remilia, Patchouli, and Sakuya gave chase.
"Stop! Flan!"
Remilia roared.
"Onee-chan, go back!"
Flan yelled.
"Second miss! Stopppp!"
Sakuya was covering Remilia while they weaved between the crowd.
Flan munched on her cake while weaving between the crowd too.
Patchouli is a poor athlete, this much cardio is going to be the end of her. She panted like a dog on a hot day.
"Patchouli, go back!"
Flan stuck her tongue out at the trio.
They continued this Gensokyo chase scene.
Flan laughed while Remilia roared in frustration behind her. Sakuya is troubled while Patchouli continued to force her heart to pump blood.
After a good five minutes, Patchouli finally collapsed.
Patchouli fell facefirst.
Remilia and Sakuya stopped.
Patchouli raised her quivering arm.
"I am fine..."
Then she pa.s.sed out like a champ.
"Patchouli!!! (-sama!)"
Remilia and Sakuya howled at the same time.
Flan continued nibbling her cake again.
"Looks like I overdid it."
Remilia warned her.
"Keep this up and I am going to be angry!"
"I am not afraid!"
Flan hmped.
"I am going to find Onii-chan, I don't care!"
"What onii-chan?!"
Remilia shrieked.
"When did we ever have a brother?! Why don't I know about this?!"
Flan turned taciturn.
"You don't know because you never cared about Flan who is in the bas.e.m.e.nt."
Remilia couldn't find the words.
Flan insisted on her way.
"I don't care, I am not going to return without Onii-chan!"
Remilia, Sakuya, and Patchouli who is barely alive felt very stressed.
What are they going to do about this troublesome little missy?