Her tender voice called the attention of Wu Yan, Reimu, and Marisa.
They looked at the entrance to find a group of ladies standing there.
The one on the left had blonde hair and a pair of tattered crystal wings.
Next to her is a similar-looking kid with a tiger’s canine and blue hair.
Next to the vampire is a sleepy-looking lady in pajamas and purple hair. She had the air of a scholar.
The last lady is a maid in combat-styled maid clothes. She looked sharp and competent.
Flan was happy to see Wu Yan while the similar-looking vampire gasped.
Wu Yan is relieved to see Flan is okay.
“Flan, I looked all over the place for you.”
Flan immediately leaped in Wu Yan’s direction like a kid who missed their parents.
Wu Yan received Flan.
Flan rubbed her head against his chest. She grumbled in a frustrated tone.
“Flan finally found you.”
Wu Yan was slightly anguished by this.
Although they were separated for about 3 hours, he didn’t think Flan relied on him this badly.
He also confirmed the theory that Flandre appeared in her bas.e.m.e.nt room when they came to Gensokyo.
Wu Yan can feel Flan tightening her grip on his s.h.i.+rt.
This is what the prospect of being forced back into the bas.e.m.e.nt sounds to her.
“Sorry, Flan.”
He rubbed her head.
“Onii-chan is late.”
Flan grumbled again.
“You said you would return to the Red Devil mansion with me but you ran off!”
Flan and Yukari were separated when they returned to Gensokyo. Wu Yan as a newcomer arrived at the Hakurei Shrine instead.
He omitted that he forgot he could find her here and wasted time getting swept up with Reimu’s pace.
“It’s Onii-chan’s fault, a punishment is due.”
“Oh, really?”
Flan pursed her lips.
“Flan is going to punish onii-chan by making you promise to never leave Flan again.”
“Oh, you…”
Wu Yan pinched her nose while Flan giggled.
The others reacted.
Remilia stood out and leered at Wu Yan with her red eyes.
“Put Flan down.”
“Put her down?
Wu Yan frowned.
“No, why”
Remilia growled.
“Put her down when I tell you to.”
Wu Yan grinned.
And If I refuse?”
Swish swish swish
Daggers flew in his direction. It formed a rectangular pattern that threatened to turn Wu Yan into a pin cus.h.i.+on.
Wu Yan used a wave of mana to block the attacks.
Clang clang clang.
He deflected the attack with pure mana.
Wu Yan’s sudden mana outburst took Reimu and Marisa by surprise.
Wu Yan’s mana levels gave Patchouli chills.
“That’s some terrifying level of mana.”
Wu Yan stared at Sakuya, the one who threw daggers at him.
“Is this how the Red Devil Mansion treats guests?”
“I am sorry.”
Sakuya retorted.
“We welcome guests but not rude people who cause a ruckus here.”
“You taunted me with an attack first and I am the rude one? I see your red devil mansion likes to frame things your way.”
Wu Yan curled his lips.
“You attacked me while putting the second miss in harm’s way? Where is your loyalty or maybe you’re too dumb to know to isolate risky targets first?”
Sakuya explained.
“The second miss won’t be harmed by such attacks.”
Wu Yan smirked.
“You mean you would attack the two misses if you’re sure you won’t hit them?”
Sakuya recognized that Wu Yan would chew her out if she continued this debate.
She is quick at making decisions, Wu Yan could give her that.
She isn’t a normal maid, he could tell anyone who underestimated her would be royally screwed in a fight.
Izayoi Sakuya.
The head maid is in charge of various tasks in the mansion. She is the model maid with competence and elegance when executing tasks. She also has control over time-related powers.
He didn’t notice when Sakuya threw the daggers. He only sensed the knives as if they suddenly appeared in his field of perception.
Sakuya must have thrown the knives while stopping time. Then, she resumed time when the daggers were close to Wu Yan.
Time-stop, it’s a terrifying ability.
“I will say it again.”
Remilia warned Wu Yan.
“Put Flan down.”
Wu Yan chuckled.
“I am not like you. I won’t let her down even if she breaks stuff or goes bonkers every once in a while.”
Remilia’s face turned dark.
That stuck way too close to home.
Remilia manifested a red devil’s tail spear.
She brandished the spear as she gnashed her teeth.
She floated in the air while warning Wu Yan again.
“I won’t repeat it for the third time.”
“Too bad for you, I like listening to people repeating their sentences like parrots.”
Wu Yan looked at Remilia.
“You already know my answer, don’t you?”
The air turned tense as the two stared each other down.