Shoujo Grand Summoning

Chapter 1722

With Sakuya leading them, Hong Meiling, Flan, and Wu Yan entered the mansion.

It is like a castle here. They entered the courtyard first, there were various flora here that looked like it took a lot of time and attention to cultivate.

While the mansion looked small from the courtyard. The non-Euclidean nature of the mansion gave it a bigger area than its size outside would suggest.

Sakuya is also like a metaphor for the mansion.

She looked like a human maid in cosplay. However, this human has the power of time manipulation.

However, she doesn't use bullets like Tokisaki Kurumi. She can affect time around her.

Kurumi needs to point at the target and fire a bullet to stop its time. However, Sakuya can stop time and attack the a.s.sailants herself.

Kurumi's powers are more specific while Sakuya can use time in an Area of Effect.

There are pros and cons to this.

Kurumi can rewind time on herself because she can use her powers so specifically.

Meanwhile, Sakuya lacked potency although she could slightly rewind time in an area.

Sakuya also lacked control over her abilities, she can't do high level adjustments.

However, stretching the time-s.p.a.ce fabric wider is within her abilities.

This is also why the mansion is bigger than it looked outside.

Wu Yan arrived near a hall with a giant staircase.

"Welcome to the Red devil mansion."

Remilia floated in the sky as she welcomed Wu Yan in the air. She looked down on Wu Yan and wanted to show off her confident and smug grin.

She looked like a n.o.ble.

Unlike her defeated self yesterday when Wu Yan called her out.

Remilia probably revised her resolve. This is her chance to persuade Wu Yan.

This is the true Remilia.

Flan also felt happy upon seeing Sakuya.

Remilia couldn't keep up this façade.


Remilia scowled a bit when she saw Wu Yan holding onto Flan.

"Come here! What are you doing in his arms?"

"I don't wanna!"

Flan protested, hugging Wu Yan's neck even tighter than before.

"Flan wants to stay in Onii-chan's arms!"

"One day isn't enough for you?"

Remilia huffed in annoyance.

"Come down first."

"No way! Flan likes Onii-chan, why are you always so against Flan?"

Flan turned her head the other way in a huff.

"I hate Onee-chan like this!"


Remilia wavered.

She loves her sister and it hurts to see her so close to a guy.

Typical of a person with Sister Complex.

Flan also destroyed her mental state with her line.

Wu Yan walked up the stairs and found himself on a platform.

There are other people here.

They were watching Wu Yan sternly.

A lady with purplish hair in pajamas, she exuded a scholar's aura.

Ah, Patchouli.

The two sized each other up silently.

Patchouli broke the silence first.

"I heard you're a true Ancestor."

True Ancestors are like the apex vampires, the monarchs of the vampiric-type creatures.

The highest form of existence.

Their bloodlines can be said to be of a deity's origin.

True Ancestors were G.o.dlike-existences.

In the past, anyway.

Only Remilia and Flan can tell if he is a True Ancestor. To their knowledge, all other vampires have died out or remained in hiding.

In Gensokyo, Flan and Remilia are the only two known vampires.

Patchouli is curious by nature despite her introverted and quiet demeanor.

Her question was unexpected.

Patchouli's curiosity got the better of her. She wanted to identify Wu Yan more than solving Remilia's issue with Flan and Wu Yan.

Wu Yan grinned.

He looked at Remilia.

"Well, looks like you have an answer. I want to hear it."

"Do you want to give Flan up?"

The air turned frosty.

Wu Yan didn't mince words.

"I already gave it yesterday. I am not giving up on Flan!"


Flan flinched.

"Oh, really?"

Wu Yan gave her the chance to explain.

"You think you can give Flan her happiness?"

"Of course!"

She puffed out her flat chest.

"Since she's okay now, I won't let her suffer."


Wu Yan smiled.

"If she falls into an unstable mental state again, are you going to lock her up again?"

Remilia found herself out of words.

Patchouli wanted to stand up but Wu Yan turned around and walked down the stairs.

He took that answer personally as no.

Patchouli, Sakuya, and Remilia tensed up.

Is he taking Flan away?

Remilia was panicking when Wu Yan told her.

"Come with me."

Remilia, Sakuya, and Patchouli exchanged looks before tagging along with Wu Yan.