After Evie was done with her meal, Elias brought her around to tour the inside of the castle. Elias did not bring Evie to venture outside due to the heavy snow. However, Elias had cut short the tour even before they could have a look at everything, citing the reason that she had to go to bed and rest. The vampire was obviously regarding her as someone so fragile and weak, looking very alert and uneasy with worry the whole time he accompanied her around, telling her to be careful as they were going up or down the stairs as though she would suddenly trip and fall.
Evie could not blame him though. She knew that to the vampires; humans were fragile vases that could be shattered to pieces with just one mistake. For most of the time, this statement would hold true. Compared to them, human life truly was fragile. Even simple accidents could ultimately lead to one's death. But Evie had also seen so many strong humans who go against the norm. Many of them who break the mould and do not conform to the norm were fighters that could find that little spark in them to fix themselves and stand up again and again after falling and breaking.
She wanted to tell Elias that humans were not as fragile as he thought they were, but she bit back those words, keeping the thoughts to herself and just nodded at him. She knew that words alone would not be enough to make him believe what she believed. He would have to witness it with his own two eyes for him to believe. It is as the saying goes, "Seeing is believing", "Actions speak louder than words", and "A picture is worth a thousand words". This was why, even though she was burning to defend her own race and claim that there were humans who were deserving of praise for being the strong people they were, she knew it was not worth it to get into a debate on the matter with Elias. She strongly believed that one day, not just Elias, but also the vampire nation themselves would know that there were humans that are worth their recognition and a power in their own right.
Once she was back in her room and alone, Evie walked towards the large window. Looking out, she could see the magnificent city below, the attractive and stately houses arranged and surrounding the castle in rings – and she genuinely had to admit that she found the view utterly fascinating. The roofs, the streets, the gardens, everything was covered with sheet of thick, pure white snow. She had never seen anything like this back home. She had thought back then that if there ever was a place with a singular colour, it would probably look pretty desolate and bland. However, having seen it with her very own eyes, it seems that she was proven wrong. This place felt like a different world to her – and it was a magical and beautiful one.
As she watched the snow-covered city, Evie began to wonder what was going to happen to her from here onwards. The things she had learned about her husband, the secret the vampire's royal family were trying to hide or ignore, and the fact that there was a brewing war between her husband and the royal family were all something she had never even imagined. And that was why, at this rate, she did not know what was going to happen anymore.
"Are you okay?" A low voice suddenly echoed near her ears, jolting her, making her whip around in surprise. And she froze, wide-eyed, as her nose brushed against his. Their lips just millimetres apart. It appeared to be that he was leaning over her when she turned around!
Evie's heart thudded in her chest wildly, her face flaming red and hot. Stumbling back to place some distance between them – more for her peace of mind rather than for modesty's sake – Evie grabbed onto the window frame behind her as she looked at him, disoriented and embarra.s.sed and utterly nervous. "You… startled me," she stammered, still blushing.
The vampire prince's lips curved up, as though he had just witnessed a really adorable scene that had pleased him to his bones. "I'm sorry," he said, biting his lower lip to hide his smile. Evie arched a brow as she looked at him. He did not look apologetic at all. In fact, he looked as pleased as a cat that had swallowed a canary.
"Are you… laughing at me?" Evie asked, pouting her full lips, not knowing her actions had drawn Gavriel's eyes to those tempting lips like a moth to the flame.
"No, my wife." He straightened, something in his eyes glimmering intensely as he shook his head at her. "I am just happy." His light eyes seemed more startling than usual.
She blinked and then her brows creased. "Happy?" she echoed, curious as she c.o.c.ked her head to one side. Not knowing that action actually made her look even more appealing in her husband's adoring eyes. "Did something good happen?" she was surprised at how she suddenly felt somewhat excited to know what was it that had made her husband look this pleased. There must be some good news he had heard in the meeting he had just came from, right?
"Hmm," he purred and a hint of relaxed but devious and devastating smile touched the corner of his mouth. "Yes, wife. Something really good had just finally happened."
Evie furrowed her brows and again tilted her head slightly to one side as she questioned him with her eyes. Her curiosity elevating.
"You want to know?" he asked, his eyes glimmering teasingly. It was obvious he was enjoying the banter between them.
"Yes." She took the bait almost immediately despite the thought that he must be teasing her.
"I'll tell you, Evie. But… you have to come closer. This is a secret so I must whisper."