The battle just kept on getting more and more intense that Zolan did not have much luxury to roam around and see more than what was happening right in front of him. He had actually intended to observe and watch the entire army. Not just Azrael's army but everyone else's as well.
Looking up, Zolan saw two of the dragons, the ones Zanya and Kariza were riding on.
"You two, could you guys fly me up there? I need to get onto any one of those dragons." Zolan told the two dark faes who were stationed to guard him.
"Of course. Which one of the dragons do you want to get to?" one of them asked.
"Silver." There was no need for extra explanation as the colour of the dragon itself allowed the guards to recognise which dragon Zolan was referring to.
The dark faes quickly held onto Zolan's arms and flew him up to the skies. Finally, Zolan could now see the entirety of the war. And what he saw made him change his mind. Turning to the dark fae who was in charge, he informed him of his decision.
"Look for Vermillion instead. The one ridden by the male light fae over there." He said with a gesture using his head and the dark faes just nodded, changing their course accordingly. They did not question nor hesitate in following Zolan's orders. After all, they were only in charge of protecting him and seeing to his needs. They were truly perfectly trained soldiers and Zolan commended Azrael's method of training his men in his mind.
Earlier on, from the ground, Zolan thought what he was seeing was not enough. He needed to be able to see everything from a higher vantage point and circling the entire abyss would be the best thing for him to do. This way, he would be able to a.s.sess the entire situation much more accurately and report everything to the queen once she arrives. Thus, he was exceptionally glad that the two dark faes were willing to go along with his plan and more importantly, able and strong enough to withstand the physical strain of carrying not only themselves but him as well to move around in the skies for quite some time.
Even at the fast speeds that the dark faes had employed, they still took quite a while to finish circlghing and observing half of the abyss. Now Zolan could fully grasp the reality of just how ma.s.sive this abyss was, and it even seemed to be expanding every second. The expansion was still not fully noticeable, but if one looked at it close enough, you could see that it was happening.
The most obvious proof was the fact that the perfect circle of the abyss was no longer in a perfect circular shape. At some parts, the wall of darkness had moved forward, and some parts had not. He could tell that the parts the king and the other four lords were fighting at were still currently untouched. But the others, especially the ones at the king's army's left and right were already being pushed back by the dark wall.
Zolan's eyes widened at the realization that dawned upon him. Does this mean that if the monsters pushed the army forward, the dark wall would also push forward?
That was the most logical explanation!
"There's Vermillion… but how can we approach the dragon?" one of the dark faes asked Zolan.
Zolan was so focused at what he was observing bellow that he was not paying attention to the dark faes with him anymore.
What he was seeing bellow them was really bothering him a great deal. One glance and he knew that something must be done with those two armies. Because if the state of things continues in this way, the balance will fall apart and the king and his army might end up being surrounded by the dark wall on both sides!
"Take me to the dragon now!" he ordered and the dark faes looked at each other.
Seeing that the two seemed unsure of something, Zolan looked over at Vermillion and his brows creased seeing the reckless way Zirrus was attacking the enemies. He was going down way too low and way too fast! He was literally accelerating down from the skies. What is he doing? Was he trying to show off his dragon riding skills or trying to get himself and the enemies killed at one go?! Though it was his prerogative in wanting to die in battle, Zolan was quite sure that Vermillion basically belonged to their queen as he answered to her. So it was not up to Zirrus to want to die together with Vermillion in battle. He definitely did not have their queen's permission in doing such a thing.
Zolan rolled his eyes in annoyance. He did not like the way Zirrus used the dragon, and the man was only focusing on aiding one army. Why was he behaving in such a manner? Could he not see that the others needed his aid too? Or was he purposefully ignoring it?
Then Zolan's eyes widened at what he noticed down below. "Let's go! Fast. Just fly me up right above the dragon." Zolan urged the two dark faes who were holding him airborne.
The dark faes immediately moved, sensing the urgency in his voice. They could barely keep up with the dragon's speed. So in order to do that, they had to employ the use their dark magic to speed up their mid-air chase.
When they were finally above the dragon, "Drop me now!" Zolan shouted and the dark faes did as they were told, trusting that Zolan knew what he was doing even though their minds told them that it was a risky move.
Zolan landed squarely on the dragon's back and Zirrus finally turned back to look at him. His expression darkened a little upon seeing Zolan there behind him.
"What are you doing?" Zirrus growled at the unwelcomed pa.s.senger on Vermillion.
"You're flying too low! Can't you see that the giants are aiming at the dragon now?"
Zirrus frowned and just as he returned his gaze ahead, he realised that Zolan was right. He saw a giant catapulted itself from the ground and was now headed right for the dragon mid-air.