Chapter 662: Savior

"Shh… she does not like anyone finding out that she's a girl actually. In fact, I just accidentally found out myself. And that is the only reason why I know about it. Her name is…" Levy leaned even closer and whispered her name in Zolan's ear. "She's pretty bada.s.s." He grinned, not even bothering to reveal to Zolan that he had not actually seen Laiza's face yet. It did not matter to him though, because he was really liking his bada.s.s partner right now.

The twinkles in Levy's eyes as he talked about Laiza had Zolan raising a brow. "Oh… so it seems you have found the apple of your eyes in the battlefield, huh. Not bad, Levy… and here I thought you're going to end up resorting to kidnapping a maid from someone's palace soon." Zolan teased him.

Levy smirked, lifting his chin arrogantly at Zolan. "No, no, Zolan. I'm a huge fan of bada.s.s girls now."

"Let's go, dumba.s.s!" Luc grabbed the back of his collar and pulled him off Zolan.

"Okay, see yah, Zolan! Take care of Her Majesty!" Levy waved as he walked backwards at the same time being dragged off by Luc.

"I will! Don't worry!" Zolan rea.s.sured them and he too, turned back and walked towards the dragon.

Once he was again settled on Onyx's back, Evie looked over her shoulder at him. "Are you ready?"

Zolan nodded. "Yes, My Queen." He responded and Onyx pushed off the ground, flapping his ma.s.sive and powerful wings to bring them off the ground as the protective walls of ice crumbled and the fierce battle resumed again.

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The men Klauz had sent succeeded in their goals. Seeing that their first attempt worked, they had gathered and sent out another similar group to kill all the level five monsters ahead of them.

Klauz was speechless that the information from the queen was indeed accurate and had worked. In fact, it had been so successful that it was beyond their wildest dreams. Who would have thought that the weakest of the lot in their army would be the chosen ones who would be given the opportunity to end the lives of the strongest monsters? And how the h.e.l.l had the queen managed to find out about this? This was clearly a ma.s.sive cheat that she had acquired! However, Klauz was not complaining as this had not only spared his top warriors, but also, could allow their weakest members to be of utmost use to the army now.

He was just at a loss for words.

But now, everything seemed to be going in their favor. The tide of war was finally turning.

Without the threat of the level-five monsters, the army was no longer afraid to fight on and to advance. So they pushed forward with everything that they had. Initially, the monsters were only being pushed back – slowly but surely. However, as the army continued fighting, their combat spirits were triggered and raised even higher that they were literally annihilating their enemies and the army was finally advancing ahead at full speed.

There were still the giants to be dealt with, but the dragons were effectively dispensing them with the cooperative work between them and their riders.

Now they were confident that they were able to finally reach the final stage of this war and win the battle! The soldier's battle cries were resounding over and over, firing up their own spirits. It even boosted the flagging spirits of those who were in the rear as they were being healed from their wounds, making them raring to go back into the frontlines and continue on with their fight against the monsters.

Meanwhile, the elite vampires led by Queen Beatrice were now dealing with the troublesome giants who were still standing quite strong in their fight against the vampires. Though their numbers were slowly dwindling, killing them were still a pain in the a.s.s because they had pushed themselves into the zone amidst their own soldiers. That had made fighting them a little more complicated as their moves had to be limited in the case where a strike from them might not only strike at the giants, but also accidentally extend and hit their own teammates.

These giants were truly smart in doing that, knowing that the dragons that were circling above them in the air could not use their dragon-fire to incinerate them when there were their own soldiers all around that would definitely be sacrificed along with them.

"Levy!!!" Luc yelled out when Levy was about to get crushed by a giant that suddenly leapt out from G.o.d knows where.

Levy had been hit pretty hard and was now sitting on the ground, trying to heal his wounds when the giant just suddenly appeared from above him. The others were a bit far off to be able to reach him in time.

"s.h.i.t!" he cursed, trying to at least throw himself to the side. But his leg was still broken and in the midst of mending.

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"Levy!!!" another shout from his comrades echoed desperately. But no matter how he tried, he knew that it was impossible for him to make it this time. A wry smile spread across his lips, as he thought if this would be the end for him.

But then, an arm grabbed him. That was quite unexpected, and his face reflected his shock.

They both crashed and tumbled to the ground due to the impact. It seemed that whoever it was that grabbed him, had come flying at him at full speed.

When they finally stopped rolling like a pair of stones, Levy slowly lifted his head, wanting to thank his unlikely savior. He was on top of his savior, but the first thing he did was to look around for danger. He needed to ensure that the coast was clear before expressing his thanks for saving his life. No point expressing thanks when they might both lose their lives in the middle of appreciating it. When he saw that the giant who almost killed him was now being dealt by his comrades, he sighed out in relief.

"Get off me now, dumba.s.s. You're unexpectedly heavy!" Laiza's voice echoed out in a complaint, and he instantly whipped his head down, already beaming the moment he recognized his savior's voice.

"So… you're my savior…" speech suddenly seemed to fail him midway.

His body stilled as he gaped at the woman beneath him. Maybe due to all that rolling and tumbling around, her mask was lost in the process and her face was now… in full view. She was… breathtaking!

"I said get off me! Now! Are you listening?" she scowled at him as she pushed at his shoulders with both hands.

Levy finally found his voice.

"I think… I think… that… I'm in love." He stammered, causing Laiza to gape at him, utterly speechless.