Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi

Chapter 621 – Offerings

Eguchi Ren: Sorry for the late update (Sweats) My family wasn’t feeling well and I had to take them to the hospital, so I was too busy to upload the chapters. The test result came back with nothing too serious, but I was too restless and in no condition to write, so I took a break.

I felt really tired from all the happenings, but I will continue to do my best!

Gumihou: This was in 17 April 2023. After this, Eguchi-san uploaded the next chapter in November 2023. Hopefully things are really okay with you and your family, Eguchi-san.

”Lunch was delicious, but I would like something a little meaty and hearty for dinner,” said Grandpa Gon over his after-meal apple juice.

It was the day after his embarra.s.sing hungover incident. He was depressed for less than twenty-four hours before returning to his usual good-humoured self.

In fact, when Fer and Dora-chan tried to make fun of him by bringing the incident up, he merely smiled and said, ‘Oh, did such a thing really happen~?’

Grandpa Gon was surprisingly thick-skinned. If it were me, I would probably have moved to a different country, changed my name and lived as a hermit…

In other words, I have the usual gang of four at breakfast today, chowing down with their usual appet.i.tes. Personally, I was a little disappointed by Grandpa Gon’s too brief stint of depression.

Why aren’t you more sorry for what you have done?

For one thing, it was very tiring to have to prepare so much food for so many gluttons at once. At least, he doesn’t eat as much when he was depressed. Who would have thought he would demand more food out of nowhere like this?

[1] “Are you dissatisfied with my food? Are you saying the Minced c.o.c.katrice is not good enough for you?”

“No, no, of course not! It is very delicious, Master. However, I would appreciate something more… hearty, right, everyone?”

“Humph, it’s annoying to agree with that drunkard, but meat that I could tear into in chunks is many times more delicious.”

“”Hey, if I have to choose~”” said Dora-chan coyly.

“”Sui likes this one~ Sui likes bi~ig bi~ig meat more~~””

“Gununu, Soboro Don is mostly meat you know?! Look, it’s meat on rice, I didn’t even include the obligatory green peas!”

Mostly because I was too lazy to include it, but they don’t have to know that.

“How dare you complain after eating my food! If you like, I can give you some big chunks now! You can stuff yourself stupid with raw meat! How big do you want it? I’ll be generous and give you meat piled higher than yourself!”

[2] Grandpa Gon looked tempted, but the rest actually looked a little repulsed. Have I fed them so much delicious cooked food that they could no longer live without my cooking? It was gratifying to think so, but at the same time, quite a burden as well since I am the only one cooking for them

[2] That’s it, I had better not pick up any more gluttons. If they want to ‘scout’ any more new hires… well, I- I’ll tell them that I have no choice but to cut their rations to feed the newcomer! Yeah! That’s what I’ll do!

““Wow, this Meat Soboro thing is so delicious!””

“Indeed, there is nothing like it. Thank you very much, Master.”

“U-umu, I am happy to have meat only dishes.”

“”Um, Sui wants meaty meat~””

“Be grateful, Sui!”


I decided that it was not worth my time to bother with these gluttons and turned my attention to [Net Super]. Time to prepare the monthly offerings for the various custo- I mean, G.o.ds and G.o.ddesses.

“First off, Ninril-sama. As usual, the list is filled with sweets, desserts and other teeth-rotting things.”

Naturally, the first stop is Fujiya. Ninril-sama’s favourite tenant shop.

“Looks like we have some new releases,” I muttered to myself.

Ninril-sama’s offerings included:

From the Limited Edition Menu

– Strawberry Dolce (made with local strawberries)

– Strawberry Cheese Tart (made with local strawberries)

– Brown Sugar Mont Blanc (Okinawan brown sugar)

– Uji Matcha Mille Crepe

– Strawberry Chocolate Tart (made with local strawberries)

– Tiramisu (made with charcoal-grilled coffee beans)

By the way, I don’t really know what separates ‘dolce’ from a regular cake, but it certainly looks delicious. Maybe I should get one for myself…

Whole Cakes:

– Strawberry Chocolate

– Mixed Fruit (topped with beautifully s.h.i.+ny a.s.sorted fruits)

– Strawberry (stuffed with jewel-like strawberries and topped with more of the same)

Regular Favourites:

– a.s.sorted sliced cakes (I randomly picked these without even looking)

– a.s.sorted dorayaki

As usual, Ninril-sama’s remaining budget was spent on the above. I could already hear her squeals of happiness even as I clicked on the ‘check out’ b.u.t.ton. I had never seen her face, but her voice alone was good enough for me to recognise what kind of person she was. Frankly, it was not a pretty picture.

“Next is Kishar-sama…”

Naturally, for Kishar-sama, it has to be the Matsumura Kiyomi. Kishar-sama’s request was very precise and detailed. She loved the after-bath treatments so much that she went into research mode and found even more stuff to buy.

I had recommended the oil-based after-shampoo treatment, but this time she wanted milk, cream and more oil-based after-shampoo treatments from various brands. Fortunately, these were not expensive. Unfortunately, there were just too many choices and these treatments alone took up an entire box. This was the first time Kishar-sama had such a large box to her name.

While I somewhat understand the urge to buy, buy, buy, it’s not like you can use up these products within the month. Although… since the G.o.ds and G.o.ddesses have their own time stop [Item Box], she must be stocking up for future use. I guess that makes sense…

Speaking of stocking up, the remaining budget was spent on more ST III products, facial cleansers, creams and/or serums. Any ST III products are welcomed, with a couple of face masks and bars of soap thrown in to use up any remaining copper coins. I believe she had surpa.s.sed my sister as a beauty product geek. Please don’t geek out beyond this line.

“I guess Agni-sama’s next,” I muttered as I switched the tab for Liquor Shop Tanaka. “Let’s see, beer, beer, beer, and, hmm, beer.”

Probably inspired by Grandpa Gon’s drinking party, Agni-sama suddenly told me that she planned to have a drinking party with some lesser G.o.ds under her jurisdiction and that she wanted lots and lots of beer. Also, I was not sure whether I should have heard this or not but, Agni-sama actually giggled and said something like, “Once I serve you guys some delicious beer, you’ll stop nagging me. Fu hehehehe~”

Yeah, I don’t think that’s how it works. Still, if it’s quant.i.ty, I suppose kegs and crates of the standard favourites would be the best. No point spending money on the more really premium stuff or the ‘drink to compare’ stuff.

In the end, I cases of the following:

– Company S premium beer

– Y-bis beer

– Company K’s Black Star beer

– Company A’s super dry beer (comes in a silver can)

In short, all the cla.s.sics. I just clicked on all four options and moved the counter up until the limit was reached. It turned out to be quite a lot.

Hopefully, Agni-sama’s party will be successful with this much beer. Otherwise, I would be the one to catch the complaints. Still, it can’t be helped if her budget is limited.

“Right, Ruka-sama next. If it’s Ruka-sama, it has to be ice-cream. Vanilla ice-cream and lots of it!”

I switched over to the regular [Net Super] and bought a few tubs of vanilla ice-cream from various brands. Ruka-sama never specified which brand she preferred, but I think she appreciates ice-cream from different manufacturers. Also, I got her the 6-packs of random ice-cream just to keep things interesting. Once half the budget was reached, I switched over to Fujiya, where more expensive ice-cream could be found.

They also have a few different brands of vanilla-flavoured ice-cream here too.

After buying up a couple of pricier vanilla ice-creams, I spent the rest of the budget on various cakes, with emphasis on variety.

“Finally, it’s those whisky duo’s turn…”

They made such a fuss yesterday about the drinking party. It’s not like I could invite them or that they could join us anyway. So I don’t know why they would sound so annoyed over this.

As usual, I start out with the ‘Best Whisky in the World x 2’ followed by a slew of decently priced whiskies, stretching their budget as far as it would go per the ‘recommendation list’. The list was my only joy when it came to choosing these things.

Idly, I wondered what the condition of these G.o.ds and G.o.ddess’s livers was. How do they hold up with all the alcohol they consume each month? Would they really be fine just because they were G.o.ds?

No way, it’s best to drink in moderation. As for Ninril-sama, please eat sweets in moderation. People who are addicted to alcohol are called alcoholics, is there a name for people who are obsessed with sweets and desserts?

Anyway, enough about these random musings. There are still Demiurgos-sama’s offerings to get through.

It was the usual saké, canned food, dried food (dried squid, smoked mackerel) and cheese. Nice funky little snacks to compliment his drinks. [3]

Oh, and a case of plum wine for his underlings.

“Well, that’s the last of it,” I sighed as I checked out Demiurgos-sama’s goods. I was about to push the boxes away into my [Item Box] when Sui suddenly bounced up and down next to me, saying, “”Snack~ snack~””

“Oh? You want some snack?”

“”Ye~es~ the cake from earlier, cake~~””

“Oho, is it this one?” I said as I happily swiped the screen to show Fujiya’s limited edition list.


“Oi, I want my usual,” Fer grumped from the side.

“Your usual, eh?” I said as I clicked on the Strawberry Shortcake. “Well, you’re in luck, it’s the strawberry season now.”


“If Master doesn’t mind, I would like something with green tea…”

“Yes, yes, I understand,” I said as I put in the orders. I included an Okinawan Brown Sugar Mont Blanc for myself. I have to treat myself now and then after all, and this one looks like it would go perfectly with my new favourite coffee blend.

[Gumihou: Hope you guys had fun reading this~]

[1] Use more aggressive language

[2] Add this little anecdote to explain why the super-powerful creatures are obeying him, albeit reluctantly.

Expand on ‘“What are you talking about after eating so much?”’

[3] Seriously shortened Demiurgos-sama’s list