During their next stop before reaching Agartha, they once again stayed in the same arrangements made by Evanthe.
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"I'm preparing the meal tonight. You go and keep Seren company," Evanthe instructed.
"She's fine. I'll help you, Mother," Drayce replied.
"I'm not so old that I need help with a simple task like cooking. Don't forget, your mother is the most powerful witch who can do anything with just the flick of a finger."
Drayce had no choice but to listen to her and returned inside cottage by Seren's side, who was wrapped in a warm blanket. She had heard what Evanthe said.
"Seems like we're going to eat what you used to like when you were a child," Seren commented, to which Drayce nodded.
After a while, Evanthe entered the cottage. As she walked ahead, a few wooden trays filled with a variety of food items floated behind her, hovering in the air.
"Wow!" Seren gasped. "I want to learn magic like that."
"You will," Drayce replied.
The trays settled onto the wooden table. Looking at all the dishes, Drayce and Seren exchanged glances. They both understood that Evanthe had long planned to cook for Drayce, given that she had already arranged all the ingredients needed to prepare this meal.
No wonder she had been upset when Drayce had already cooked earlier. She must have missed her son terribly, and it must have been painful for her to be apart from him.
Evanthe looked at them. "Stop staring and start eating already, or it will get cold."
The three of them began eating together. Seren savored the taste. "Mother, everything is so delicious. Dray was fortunate to eat like this when he was a kid." She glanced at him, noticing that he was eating quietly.
For Drayce, each bite brought back memories of his childhood and the moments he had shared with his mother. Overwhelmed with emotion, Drayce chose to remain silent, and neither Seren nor Evanthe disturbed him.
Once they finished, Drayce stood up and began cleaning, avoiding eye contact with either of them. He carried the tray outside and didn't return for a while.
Seren cleared her throat nervously and looked at Evanthe, who was also quiet. "Mother, I think you should go get some fresh night air and take a walk after the meal. It's good for digestion, and we did eat a lot. I can't join you, though—I'd only end up freezing."
Evanthe nodded and stood up. "Make sure you're well-covered."
"Don't worry about me, Mother. I'm already sleepy," Seren said as she lay down in bed and closed her eyes.
Evanthe adjusted the blanket over her properly before heading outside, where she found Drayce standing and staring at the sky, his back turned to her. His posture reflected his emotional state.
Evanthe walked over and stood by his side. They remained silent for a while, neither knowing what to say or how to begin.
"Won't you say anything?" she finally broke the silence.
He shook his head, not a single word escaping his lips.
"There wasn't a single moment when I didn't think about you or miss you," Evanthe said, as if answering his unspoken question, her own eyes turning teary. "It was painful to leave you and even more painful to stay away. I won't blame you if you resent me. You are my son, and you will always be the most precious to me. I would accept everything, even your resentment for leaving you. I…"
She stopped as Drayce finally turned to look at her, his red eyes glistening with unshed tears.
It pained her to see him like this. "Dray…"
Before she could say more, Drayce hugged her, and the tears he had been holding back rolled down his cheeks.
Evanthe couldn't hold back her own tears as she hugged him in return. He said nothing, but she could feel the depth of her son's emotions. She understood his pain and how hurtful everything must have been for him, yet he had never voiced a single complaint since they reunited. All he did was respect her and understand the difficulties she faced.
He held her tightly, as if trying to make up for all the lost years, his tears refusing to stop. When he finally calmed down after long, Evanthe gently wiped away his tears. His red eyes silently looked at her, still saying nothing. But his tears had already said everything he wanted to express.
"You have been a good son, Dray, and I am fortunate to be your mother. I need nothing more in this life." Her eyes shone with the pride of a mother. "From now on, I'm not going anywhere. I will always be around."
"I won't let you go, Mother," he finally spoke. "Whatever trouble you face, I'll be the one to face it for you."
She smiled lightly. Until now, she had been the one to protect everyone, but now her son was there to protect her. Just the thought of it made her happier than she had ever felt.
"I know you will," she replied.
The mother and son spent a little more time together.
"We should head inside. I'm sure Seren is still wide awake after sending me out and pretending to sleep," Evanthe said with a light chuckle.
Drayce's lips curved into a slight smile as he understood what Seren had done.
"Your wife is truly sweet and cute," Evanthe commented while they walked back toward the cottage.
"She says the same about you," Drayce informed her.
Evanthe almost laughed. "Once she sees me fighting against enemies, her opinion of me might change."
They entered the cottage, and as expected, Seren was awake. Her eyes, peeking out from under the blanket, were glued to the door, seemingly waiting for them.
"Didn't you say you were sleepy?" Evanthe teased.
"I must have been missing mother's presence by my side so I could sleep comfortably," Seren's voice was m.u.f.fled under the blanket.
Evanthe shook her head. "You're getting smart with words, huh? But I'm not sleeping with you tonight. It's dangerous."
"Dangerous?" Seren asked.
Evanthe hummed. "I'm worried I'll get into the habit of sleeping in too late. I won't let that happen," she said as she arranged her sleeping s.p.a.ce on the floor. "Dray will accompany you."
Seren cleared her throat awkwardly, thinking it would be strange to sleep with him while his mother was right next to them. "I think I'm fine alone."
"You won't be," Evanthe said as she lay down. "You'll freeze by morning," she added, covering herself and closing her eyes.
Drayce, who had removed his outer heavy robe and hung it to the side, slid straight into Seren's blanket, leaving her fl.u.s.tered.
He turned to face her and looked into her beautiful eyes. She observed his face, understanding the emotions he had been carrying from earlier. Without saying a word, she moved closer to him and hugged him, burying her face in the crook of his neck—a silent gesture of comfort.
His lips curved into a knowing smile. He hugged her back and closed his eyes. During this journey, she had been the one to bring him and his mother closer, and Drayce recognized this fact clearly.freёReadNovelFull.com
He was truly fortunate to have her.